Chapter Ten: Third Game Commence!

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A/n: Read the authors not at the bottom!
Noragami: Fallen Grace

Where am I?

The darkness surround hiyori, along with the sound of dripping water. A hiss could be heard from her left, sound of something wet slithering across the cold floor that her bare feet touched. A cold drifted through making her shiver, her pale lips turning blue. A voice broke through the darkness, a hiss of a phantom. But the voice sounded so familiar to her. With confusion written on her face she turns the lefts, a blue glow began.  A small cirlce, formed from the blue light and a picture showed like a movie.

nting she walks forward only to stop dead in her tracks.

"Thisss....You....nicceee.." a voice slithered.

Like a million spider crawling up her skin, she shivered and shook her head. No! That want her, she will never turn into a phantom. Only by negative emotions she can turn. That what she was told! She can't become that thing! She won't! Not aslomg as Yato is beside her!

"You...will...I...see...smeeelllsss....nicceee...heeee.....smeeellls....nicceee" the image changed and it was a image of a laughing Yato. Hiyori eyes widen.


Then the image changed, to a horrifying scene. Yato being held by yukine as he cried. Fat tears rolling down his face, his amber colored eye filled with grief.

No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!


Jolting away, with inky black tears hiyori shook. Her arms wrapped around herself as she sobbed silently. The image of Yato in Yukine arms, the feeling of seeing him...dead..lifeless..made her skin crawl. Rushing out her body in her weak phantom form she rushed to kofuko house. The inky black tears rolling now stop, jumping onto the tree that stood tall and proud before kofuko  shrine. Hiyori peered in to see a complaining Yato. His blue eye pleading with yukine about something.

A smile landed on her lips as she moved to take a step down towards them, she stopped. A thought crossed her mind. What if she was the one to kill him? Gasping, she turn and jumped across the power line. Her faded cord tail, switching behind her.


Hitomu stood infront of the shrine, a pained expression his face. His eyes scanning the area surrounding them. He awoke this morning from pain. He could tell that this wasn't a good sign. Looking back behind him, he saw Tora sleeping peaceful a soft snore coming from her. Turning straight, he walked forward leaping off, leaving Tora behind not looking back.

He needed to find that damn doctor. He needs more time, he almost to his goal. Just a little more time and he can get what he want. Through the pain the sinister smile showed, the thought of it made him tingle in a good way. Making it out the shrine crumble wall to the wheat field he smiled, everything will work out perfect. That human girl will be in his hands soon and he need all the strength to control her.

Flashing from the ground to forest line, he jumped from branch to branch. His eyes flashing in pain causing him to stop. Damn it, he thought. He was beganing to get weak, jumping tithe forest floor he realized he actually made it to the area. His eyes scanning the forest, mask gleaming through the light. Where is-

"Hitomu, Nice to see you again" a voice sounded behind him.

Turning his eyes landed on a lost god by the name of Isao. Just like him and yato, he too was a god that barely survived but unlike them Hitomu was a thriving god who had fallen and now was like them. Scam.

Noragami: Fallen Grace (Book One: Fallen Trilogy) {✔}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt