Fallen Trilogy! Thanks!

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Thanks For All The Support!

I do know, I have lost many readers, but I'm still excited that I have finished my first book on this profile. Which is a big, big deal for me. It was tough, and at times I lost the will to keep writing, or had got suck on what to write next. One time, I thought, is this good enough, but I kept at it. Didn't get discouraged because people wasn't reading. I finally found something worth writing whether it was good or horrible I finished it the wag I wanted too.

But, now, I'm moving on up. I have decided that I should make a fallen trilogy. It contains, three animes I love .

Fallen Trilogy:

Noragami: Fallen Grace (Book 1)

One Piece: Fallen Guide (Book 2)

Fairy Tail: Fallen Star (Book 3)

I hope that you guys stick with me through the process of creating this trilogy. Also, It will be a long process becuase I do have another page, where I write my Own books.

Each book can be a stand alone book, its just part of a Fallen Trilogy because of the first words. Corny, I know. Well, If I feel that one or all deserve a sequel I will write another one. Alright, now a teaser of book to in the Fallen Trilogy.

One Piece: Fallen Guide

"Single Dream, a treasure that treasure hunters been looking for, since the beginning of time." Touma stated, tilting Nami head up peering into her eyes.

He smiled. "You, Nami, a navigator of the Strawhats will lead me there."

Nami scoffed, "And why should I help you?"

"Because you have no other choice, You are the key to the island, Nami. You are the key that been spoken in the songs, poems, and riddles in everything that has spoken of the single dream. A navigotar that can tell before a storm hits, is that not you?"

Nami stared blankly at him. Not answering a question she knew he already had the anwser too. He laughed, before removing his self from the cabin she sat in. Closing the door behind him, the clankng of keys sounded. Leaving her again in the room, silence settle in.

Alright, there you guys go! Tomorrow I will up load the prologue and date when the project for this book will start. I hope you guys will check it out and support me on my journey of the Fallen Trilogy!


Noragami: Fallen Grace (Book One: Fallen Trilogy) {✔}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora