My Life

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I wasn't always a person crazy about love at first sight. I hated any idea about love and it's origins.

I say that because most of the people around me were paired up always, like it was mating season 24/7 in these parts. I was happy to not get caught up in the love boat.

My name is Cinder Alukard. I'm 18 and a junior student at Black Rose High School. It really doesn't matter where I live because I hate this town anyway, heh. You could imagine I'm that one girl that everyone stays away from, because it seems she's socially awkward and can't-get-a-guy kind of girl. Yup that's me.

It's not that I can't get a guy, it's just I prefer a man that doesn't want to see me drown my lips in "Bubblegum Pink" lip balm. I like to sport "Black Vamp" lipstick, tight black tees, laced short black skirts, and sexy leather knee-high boots. I compliment my outfits with a variety of my favorite chokers, studded bracelets, and earrings/ear cuffs. But let's cut the crappy intros.

I sighed looking at the clock that hung over my Chemistry class's door. Only 15 more minutes before I ran out of this hell hole of a school. I start to daydream on what my evening would be like when I got to my shitty home.

"Ms. Alukard!" Mr. Hill shouted.

I jumped out of my daydream, quickly looking at him, "Uhh...Yes Mr. Hill?"

"Could you pay more attention to nuclear reactions rather than the clock?!" he growled, looking at me with his pale blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again Mr. Hill" I said quietly.

He fixed his glasses while others around me giggled and snickered. I hated when he called me out in front of everyone. I had this fear of being put on the spot in front of people. I begged to get pulled out of a drama class because of my big phobia. But I know he doesn't do it on purpose, I'm an A student surprisingly, he only wanted to make sure I keep up that reputation and title. I'm number 3 in my class. I really don't plan on being valedictorian. Too much attention.

The bell finally sounded and I bolted out the door and on my way home. I walked along the grey sidewalk and took the normal shortcut through an alleyway. It was a pretty decent alleyway, besides the flying roaches, and foot long rats that populated it. You get used to it after a while. Turing onto my street, I walked up my creaking porch and opened the door, Dad never locks the door anyways.

"Hey there Black Beauty!" he greets me, holding a beer in his right hand and the remote in the other.

"Hey Dad. How was work?" I asked closing the door and sitting next to him.

"It was alright, some bastard tried to give me shit because his order was wrong or sumtin'. Old fart couldn' even see outta his left eye."

I chuckled at his short story. I loved my dad more than anything. He treated me with the up most respect any woman could get. It was too bad my gold-digging mother left him for some Spanish model when I was 5 years old. She took any money my dad had and went off. Luckily my dad gets about $1000 every month from her for child support. Cleverness seems to run in my dad's family. I inherited it thankfully, and not my mother's stupidity.

"How was school my Dark Princess?" he asked.

"Pretty normal, same dull school, same dull day, same dull homework." I said, picking up my Vocaloid messenger bag.

"Well make sure you get that homework done little lady."

"I know daddy." I said getting up. I kissed his bald head before I went into my room. I loved my room. It was the perfect place for a goth girl. Never ending colors of Blacks, greys, reds, blues, and my favorite, purples. Purple and Black were my favorite combo of colors.

I sat at my desk and pulled out my homework. I hated physics but hey, it makes you think about the world in a different view. Too bad it couldn't change the people I went to school with. They'd all be wearing black by now. And much more tolerable.

After finishing my homework, I jumped on my bed and opened up my laptop. Time for another round of a Slenderman! I am absolutely in love with anything that has to do with Slender. What's better than making a little fun of running away from another boogeyman?

I was a bit scared when I read the stories off of Creepypasta sites, but then I got used to the jumpscares.

"Shit!!" I exclaimed while eating my bag of gummy worms. I was always close to getting all 8 pages. I played a few more rounds before shutting down my laptop. I'll admit I always got spooked every nite and then.

I laid there in my pitch black room. The only light that came through was the moonlight shining brightly against some trees. The shadows casted over my bed, so it looked as if long fingers were trying to remove my covers. I blushed as a fantasy of Slenderman crossed my mind.

His pale white muscular body, his long arms, and those tentacles. I shivered as a chill ran down my spine. I imagined his slender hands running up my legs. I moaned softly as I could nearly feel his touch. At that moment...


I jumped up quickly, my face beaded in cold sweat. I looked over to my Corpse Bride clock, 2:26 a.m. Was I really asleep for that long? I swore I was just barely falling asleep. I felt a wetness on my leg. Removing my blanket, I could make out something dark on my leg.

As I got up and turned on my light, I looked down to see scratches, deep enough to draw blood.

"What the...?!"

Confused as to how I got the scratches, I went into my bathroom and pulled out my first aid kit from under the sink. I opened it and pulled out some gauze. I cleaned my wound and wrapped my small injury.


I looked to the opening of the door to the sound.

"Dad?" I called out. No answer. I stood up and walked out into the hallway. I heard slight static coming from the living room. My heart raced immediately for I knew that sound all too well.

I slowed my steps as I neared the end of the hallway. The noise grew louder with each step I took, coming closer towards the living room. The static was at its peak, sounding loudly in my ears. I took a breath, and quickly stepped into the living. There was nothing.

I looked over to the t.v. that had the black and white interference screen. I sighed with relief.

"Geez dad...learn to turn off the t.v...."

I grabbed the remote, clicking the power button and tossed the remote onto the couch. I turned to find my dad a few inches from my face. I jumped back with a shriek.

"Jesus Christ dad!! You scared the crap outta me!!" I shouted at him.

He stared at me blankly, not saying anything. I could see his eyes were glazed over.


He blinked and looked at me confused, "What're doing up Black Beauty...?"

"O..oh...The t.v. was on and...the noise was bothering me..." I said nervously. "I'll go back to bed!" I said quickly, and ran too my room. What was all that about? Maybe he was drunk, and I needed to lay off the games for a while.

I climbed into bed and tried to sleep. It took me a while before I did, my scratches began to burn...


This is my first book on WattPad! I appreciate anyone that has read this!!

Thank you!!

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