Where Are We Now? (part one)

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This one is a two-parter accompanied by a song I wrote myself! The second part is coming soon and will be very angsty (or I'll try to make it very angsty). Hope you like.

Home is not a place.
Home is a feeling

Lance's eyes widened as he saw it. He felt something in his heart fly away, some weight was lifted off his shoulders.

An overwhelming wave
That sends you reeling

It was like seeing a family member that hadn't been heard from in years. He knew he couldn't stay, but God, he wanted to.

Something beautiful
That surrounds you

Lance tugged on the sleeves of his prison jumpsuit. He slowed down the stolen galra ship, leaving it to float in space. Sighing, he slumped down in the pilot's seat. This had not been the plan

Everything you know
It's all around you.

The odd thing was, he used to think of Earth as his home. But thinking back on it, while in the prison, he thought of home as the castle. How had it changed so easily? Had he betrayed his family? His planet?

It's the open road
The conversations

That doesn't matter, Lance told himself. What matters is getting to the others. It struck him suddenly (and painfully) that they might think of him as dead. What would they say when they saw him? Would they even believe it was him?

Beautiful night sights
Send your heart racing.

"Quit stalling." He said out loud. He reached up and turned on communications, quickly tuning to the channel that the paladins used - or at least, the ones they had been using before he was captured.

"-viously better." Pidge's voice crackled to life on the channel. Lance let out a sigh of relief.

"Did you guys hear that?" Shiro asked. There was a crackling sound, then silence. Lance couldn't decide what to say, so he kept silent. It was a bit overwhelming - two years of silence, then, suddenly, the voices of freedom.

If there's one thing
I can trust

"No, sir." Hunk said. Lance grinned.

"No need to call me 'sir', Hunk." He said in a gravelly voice.

"Who's there?" Shiro demanded. "How did you get on this line?" Lance's stomach did a backflip of regret at Shiro's reply.

"You don't recognize my voice?" Lance asked, pretending to be offended.

Oh oh oh,
Carry me home, home, home

"Holy shit." Keith whispered.

"Really, Shiro? Why does Keith get to swear?" Pidge complained.

"Say something else." Keith asked.

"Sure thing, red." Lance said with a grin. Hunk was the next one to gasp.

On the road, road, road
The path to home.

"Guys, please tell me that is who I think it is? That I'm not insane?" Keith pleaded. The others were silent for a moment.

"...Lance?" Hunk asked.

"That's impossible." Shiro said, his voice cracking slightly. "It... It can't..." He trailed off.

"We're coming to get you." Keith said. "I don't care where you are - we're coming."

We're not there yet
But we're getting closer

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