🌟 Langst Sixteen - Letters To A Younger You

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A klangst in which Lance gets Keith back from the galra, but it isn't the Keith he used to know. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING STORY HAS MILD HOMOPHOBIA AND SLURS AND MENTIONS OF SUICIDE AND CHARACTER DEATH.

Dear Keith,

We got you back today. You seemed really scared. I hope you get better, but if you don't, I'll be there for you. I always will.


Dear Keith,

You completely pushed me aside today when I tried to talk to you. It's like you hate me again. You know how horrible that period of my life was. I hope it's just nerves from being in galra hands.


Dear Keith,

You said some horrible things today. You called me a fag. Told me to fuck off and find someone else as disgusting as me. I don't understand it. I don't understand any of it. I just wanted you back!


Dear Keith,

We couldn't form Voltron today. You blamed it on me. Everyone agreed. I don't think you're you anymore.


Dear Keith,

I want you back. I don't know or care what kind of sick, twisted things they did to make you like this. But it isn't you. It's not you anymore. You would never yell at me for trying to help you. You would never shout at me for trying to be the person you helped me to be confident being. You would never attack me.


Dear Keith,

I'm coming to find you. The others will miss me, but you're all that matters. I know that if I look, I'll find you. I see you now. You're pouring out of my wrists. The red. It's you. It was always you. You were with me. You're always with me.


Dear Keith,

The others found me before I coukd go find you. I tried three more times after that to go look for you, to find you within myself, within my veins, but they stopped me. It's like everyone hates me, wants me to suffer. But I don't want to. I know my death will sting for them, but they'll manage. I can't manage without you, Keith. Not anymore.


Dear Keith,

I miss you. I wish you were here instead of him.


Dear Keith,

I can't describe how I'm feeling right now. I wish I had been a better boyfriend. I let you get captured. It's my fault that they killed you. That he's here. It's all my fault.


Dear Keith,

I'm starting to forget your smile. I know that I see him every day, but he never smiles. Not at me.


Dear Keith,

I'm coming to find you. They can't stop me this time. Even if they manage to figure out what I'm doing, I'll be far, far away by then. I just... It takes fifteen seconds, doesn't it? Fifteen seconds before you pass out. I don't remember.

I'm scared, Keith. Help me not to be.

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