Shiro Angst One - Kurōn

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Season Three but different?

Shiro stared up at the ceiling. He heard signs of struggle in the hallway, grunting and weapons firing and the occasional yell. He would've joined whoever was fighting against the falta if it weren't for the restraints and the sedatives.

"It was successful... So far. Bring the original back to the lab." That was all he could remember. If he tried hard enough, he remembered some faces. A short girl with glasses. A tall boy with a killer smile. A shorter boy who was always angry. A muscular guy who always seemed to be cooking or eating.

"Shiro-" Voices flew through the air, though they could have been just in his mind. He saw lions, big and colorful and connected in the shape of a man. Somehow, he saw himself inside the head, shouting commands. It was him. It had to be... But he didn't remember this.

Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe he had some sort of twin...

It didn't really matter. Nothing did. He knew that he was a prisoner, but he had no hope of escaping. No hope of getting back to... Wherever it was that he had been. Oh well.

It wasn't like he was anything special. If he had been, they would have killed him already. Or, he thought they would have. Maybe they would've just sent him into the arena.

Oh, he remembered the arena. He hated it, but he remembered it. The ruthless monsters. His friend...

Come to think of it, his friend looked a lot like the girl he remembered. It could be a coincidence, but... Something told him it wasn't.

"Grab him before he escapes!" Someone yelled from outside. Shiro's head shot up suddenly. The response to the command was a familiar voice - it was his own.

"Get off!" He heard his voice yell. There was more yelling and shouting and struggling that conveniently masked the ripping sounds that Shiro's right arm was making as it pulled away from its restraints.

"Do not let the subject escape!" A high, cold voice commanded. Shiro cut through the restraints on the other arm. As he stood up, someone came crashing into his cell. He had long, black and white hair and a metal arm just like his.

"I have to get back to Voltron!" The man said. Shiro furrowed his brow. He needed to get back to Voltron? Who was this guy?

Shiro ran forward and started to fight the soldiers and sentries outside. The man behind him gasped.

"What are you?" He whispered as Shiro tore through the metal soldiers.

"What do you m-" Shiro turned around and gasped. The man before him was him.

"Did the galra make you?" The other him asked. Shiro just stared. "I asked you a fucking question."

"I'm... I'm just me." Shiro answered uneasily. "I wasn't made by any-"

"I know that you're not the real black paladin." The other Shiro muttered. He activated his arm, and the last thing Shiro saw was the angry face of the other him.

Yikes. That was short and not particularly good. Sorry.

After this, it's just Langst unless something else is requested.

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