Chapter10-When I Opened My Eyes Part2

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I woke up in the bed that I swore I dreamed about and right there infront of me was the same white ninja with his legs crossed sitting with his back facing me. He looked very concentrated and focussed even though he was just sitting there.

"Umm I have school to go to." I simply stated. He threw his neck around and stared at my face in shock and confusion.

I thought he didn't understand for some reason even though he spoke English last night so I said, "" Then he said, "Do you know eeerm I mean do you know what time it is?"

I could swear that he just spoke in a posh British accent and corrected himself. Wow another stricking simularity between this guy and Javaad.

"No." I said.

"It's 1:30 pm, you woke up very late." he said.

"Did you eat already?"

"I'm on a diet so no." I was trying to make him talk a llot so his posh accent would slip out again.

"How would I know? You never told me."

"You nevuh...ugh...I mean...neverrrr asked. Now stop asking so many unecessary questions alright?"

Yessss I caught him again! He's definately British. Just like Javaad.

"You hungry?" he suddenly asked, "Very." I said.


I wonder if she'll ever find out the truth. I don't want her to get hurt though. She really does trust me...well...both of us anyway...sigh. My life is so complicated. If she never had met me in the first place, she wouldn't know me now; and because she met me and they found out that I care about her, they'll forever be after her just to get to me. So now her life has become just as complicated as mine.

"I'm so sorry Liz." I whispered not hearing what she previously said.


"Umm so are we getting food or nah? I'm really hungry you know! I'm not on a diet like you are YOU KNOW!" I rambled on getting really irritated that my stomach wouldn't shut up. Then he quietly whispered, in that secret posh accent, "I'm so sorry Liz." So he diiid hear what I said...good! How did he know my name? Eeh he is a ninja after all.

"So let's get that food now." he shyly smiled.

I got out of the bed and took a shower. I just remembered that I didn't have clothes. I shouted the Ninja and he popped literally out of no where. He like just dropped from the ceiling or something and landed infront of the bathroom door. Anyway.

"I don't have any clothes." I shyly said. Then he clasped his hands together and LITERALLY vanished into dust then came back in like five minutes with MY lingerie and clothes. But but HOW? I thanked him nervously and he bowed and walked away. I closed the door, put on my clothes then walked out of the bathroom.

I just realised that I don't even know his name. So I asked.

'What's your name by the way?"

"Oh Java-- JAVDEN!" he quickly corrected himself. I just giggled.

"So, Javden, aren't you gonna take of your mask?" I grinned.

"Ugh, I can't and ugh I'll just go get someone to take you down to the cafeteria area of this place ok?" he smiled

"Fine!" I sassily half-shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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