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I was blabbing and gossiping about the latest news of the school to my friends MiMi, KiKi and DiDi when it happened..... In walked THE most sexiest guy you could ever imagine could possibly exist on the earth. B*tch please he was an alien psh duh.There is no way that a guy looking as good as he did could possibly be normal...I bet he's a fag! I can't let anyone know that I'm interested because I'm the tough cookie of this school..the boss ass b*tch. He walked in our class and stood before the class beside the teacher. The whole time Heartbreaker by Justin Bieber was playing in my head. I did'nt give any attention to the teacher. I was just watching his lips. He parted his plump moist lips and rolled his perfectly selected words off of his tongue. " Good day, my name is Javaad Heyyung." He ended it off with a small, shy smile that just captivated every moment of his being. His fading dimples and crinkly eyes froze the moment we were in and slowly melted me away. I wanted so badly to run my fingers through his hair, straight, raven mixed with dark brown locks styled in a quiff with purple highlights in the front. I watched as he nodded to Mr. Crocker and made his way to me. He got closer and closer and then he turned aaaaah wait turned? Hell no! he sat between Miguel and Marcos the Italian twins. Ramona sat behind him and reached out to touch his hair and I found myself infront of her slapping her hand away. Mr. Crocker called to me and snapped me out of my tension. He told me to stand infront of the class and explain what I was doing. I gulped and hurried to the front of the class. Everyone minus the male perfection, girl addiction in the centre of the classroom gasped. You see I'm like a rebellious teen so I usually ignore the teachers in this school and do what I want! But something about him makes me want to behave and be a propper girl. Mr. Crocker told me to proceed... There is no way in Heaven or hell that I'm going to tell the whole class, much less Mr. Crocker, that I slapped her because she was about to sexually harass my lover!!! You must think I'm mad or somthing? I mean c'mon hell no! "I slapped her because I don't like her and I felt like it!!" I said with as much attitude as I possibly could. He sent me to the office and told Javaad  to folow me so I can show him where it is incase he decided to pull a cheeky stunt like that. He clumbsily got up tripping on flat ground witch made me giggle a bit and made that b*tch get up and assist him by brushing him off and purposely brushing his ass and smirking at me. I glared at her and so help me..,IF LOOKS COULD KILL SHE'D BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!!! HELLA MURDERED!!! He blushed profusely and thanked her in that posh accent of his witch calmed me immediately. He then walked beside me and we were out of there leaving behind the gossip and comments of the other girls and fags in the class. I looked down at his hand and grabbed it. He quickly looked the other way and blushed an eye-blinding red. Something told me that this fag was innocent. I ditched the office and pushes him in the supplies closset at the end of the hall. I began to roughly question him using physical and emotional hurtful ways. I closed the door of the giant closet behind us and looked up at his towering height of 5 foot 15. He was so built and I was lusting him terribly badly. So I boxed him and blurted the first few questions.

"Why are you gay you fag!!!?"

"I.. I'm not!"

"Why are you teasing the girls and trying to bring their grades down you man whore"


He started to cry and begged me to stop... Man he was too soft. I boxed him hard across the jaw and he yelped in pain. "It hurts" he whispered and slid down to the ground in a whimpering mess..  I looked down at the sobbing mess below me and felt like a b*tch I knelt down and gave him a bear hug. I was such a bully what the hell man. What is wrong with me?! I only did it because I hated the effect he had on me! I too began to cry because my life is screwed up. We embraced each other and dried our eyes and headed back to class, him begging me the whole way not to tell anyone that he cries so easily. We acted like nothing happened and the day dragged along as usual, every minute we took glances at each other and looked away. He looked away in disgust while I looked away in shame.

The bell finally rang and he ran out of the class and I chased after ...him.

HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora