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A/N... some light smutt 4 yall and only certain readers like @Randomlexi11 would understand the 'tub' thing so ignore it and enjoy!!!!

I sat there for awhile on the floor beside him trying to calm him down. Nothing I did was working so I tried one last thing...I sang to him. I sang 'Two is better than one' by 'Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift. Yeah I can jelous! He stopped crying by the end and looked very exhausted...thanks to me I I helped him to my room and layed him down on my bed. He kicked of his shoes and curled up into a ball then I got a fresh duvette and covered him with it whilst turning on the airconditioning unit, A.C for short lol.

I just sat on the edge of the bed and watched him, once again admiring how beautiful he was. He was still as perfect when he slept. His quiff started to flop over his forehead after fifteen minutes. I never really stopped to notice how looooong his eyelashes were damn. They brushed the top of his defined cheeks as he slept. His lips were an even lighter shade of pink now and were slightly dry yet...there's something about them..... I can't seem to figure out what though! I was staring at them for about another 15 minutes when they parted and words started to form on them. "What are we?" I jumped back in stank surprise and blushed as he was now smirking at me with a sexy smirk. O.k first of all... isn't the girl supposed to ask that and second of all He likes me or somthin??? I'm just hella confused right now! I just wanted to make sure I heard right so I said "Pardon?" and he said what I heard him say so my ears didn't decieve me then. "What are we?" he repated yet a third time. "I..I..what do you mean 'what are we'?" I stuttered. "I mean what I've asked." He simply stated. "I don't know! You tell me!" I said cheakily. "Come to me!" he ordered sassily. I gingerly crawled up more on the bed right beside him. I kneeled upright infront of him and he signalled, with his finger, to come closer while he held that highly attractive smirk. He proceeded to whisper in my ear "How much do you want me?" I just froze... how cheaky! "Even better. How much do you need me?" "NEED AS IN WHAT!!!???!" I shrieked. "Duh like depend on me! What other way is there?" he innocently questioned, "Umm I'd rather not."

"Tell me!"


"Tell me!"

"If you don't already know then you don't need to know!"

"Ugh why can't you just tell me so I'm not left out!!!!?" he whined.

"How about I just show you how much I 'need' you and mabye you'll catch on yeah?" I quickly said finding his innocence driving me crazy and turning me on!!!!

"Ok. But is it naughty?" he asked with a strange smile and bit his lip.

"Maybe just a bit," I asked more than stated, "Wanna find out?" I teased getting all horny like (tub). His face was priceless. He looked so scared of what was going to happen. But the thing is...he gets turned on really easily like when I was examining his chest for bruises. I began to slowly zip down his zipper and unbotton his pants. He started to moan really loud... What the hell???? ALREADY???? I was about to pull his pants down from the waist when his hand shot down to mine and pulled it off. I smirked up at him and asked, "Why'd you stop me?", His face was full of worry and uncertainty then he shakily replied, "I...I think I get what it means now..."  I quickly fixed back up his pants, gave him a toothy smile and said "Good!"


We layed there on my bed for a loooooooong while. My head was on his chest and I grabbed his big o'll hand and started playing with his long o'll fingers....all the while him staring at me like in my car earlier. His innocence was soooooooo cute, damn adorable, OMG!!!!!!

Why was he so innocent though? It's like his parents shielded these things from him or something. I was curious so I asked "How comes yah don't know about these dirty things and your ninteen for Heavens sakes!?" "My parents shielded me from them and homeschooled me to make sure I wasn't under the privillage of young dirty children my age." he simply stated,! coinsidence much~~~

"So lemme get something straight. Why do you get turned on so easily mr. innocent?" I sassily asked, he shifted uncomfortably,

"Turned on?"

How could I be so dumb. He dosen't even know what that means duh! "Why do things make you feel good so easily or fast?" I rephrased,

"Maybe since I haven't felt them before they just feel extra go.. never mind!" He shyly protested,.......MAN I love this kid....and his innocence.


I forced him to spend the night and I decided to teach him everything cause I mean... it gets annoying after awhile. He seemed totally grossed out but accepted them well. I then put in 'warm bodies' for us to watch since it was a Friday and he currently lived alone. In the end we found ourseleves snogging vigorously with him under me, obviously since he's innocent. We pulled away and he was breathing heavily, notice only he was... wanna guess why? He aint used to this! He literally said he wanted to do some of that again, he literally said exactly that, so since he was obviously turned on I decided to mess around with him a bit. I kissed from his neck to his ear and bit down on his earlobe then blew on it..... damn he was a moaning mess...insta hard........ to cut this scene short...he ended up with about four hickeys all in different spots.I actually enjoyed having the dominance. He was all sweaty and would not allow me to even go near his talala. I made him have a shower and lent him some of my brother's clothes that he left when he stayed over. He looked good in them. Well I guess he'd look good in everything. I ordered some pizza cause it was around dinner time and I was starvin. I ordered two  large and  small hawaiian pizzas .He ate the whole box of the large and I ate most of the small leaving two slices which he ate. We then downed some coke and ginger beer. We watched another movie then called it a night and hit the sack. I fell asleep wrapped in his warm, slightly muscular arms.

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