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"STOP!!" I shouted at my lover (I will start calling him that). He suddenly tripped. Now was my chance. I ran up to him and he huffed. I helped him up, grabbed his arm and pulled him towards my car. He didn't even protest. Oh but he was mine now! He had a few cuts and bruses on his perfect knee and I was destined to patch him up. I opened the passenger side of my susuki and he calmly got in staring at me the whole time. I closed the door and hopped into the drivers seat. I was driving him to my flat. It was very awkward because....HE KEPT STARING AT ME!!!!! Then he did the unexpected..,he put his masaive hand on my thigh. "Why?" was all he said in his all too captivating, posh accent. I reached my flat and stopped the car in the driveway. I slowly turned to him and gently touched his soft, smooth face and pulled at his chin. I brought his face up to mine and brushed my lips on his. His lips stayed shut but not too tight so I was able to give him a real kiss still. It was a soft kiss that could barely be felt by either of us but yet it left a tingle to my lips. He never stopped staring and I guess it was because he wanted his answer. So I explained everything to him.

"I ..I am kindof t ..the bad girl of the school...the one that falls for no one and always gets her way," I began, "When you came along today that all changed and  and and well I....You make me weak and soft in ways I've never experienced before in my life. Something about you is so captivating, pulling me in very gently and I..I love that really. You somehow make me want to behave and be a good girl but I have a reputation to maintain." I calmly stated.

He just looked at me with an unreadably confused expression. He touched my face and rubbed the back of his hand on my cheek, all the time keeping that same expression on his face. Then he smirked and asked very cockiky, "I have that effct on you?" "Yes." I shyly answered. I then got out of the car he got out too. He walked over to me and took my hand. I instantly began to blush then he leaned down, brushed his cherry plump lips on my cheek and kissed it. I took him inside and started taking off his shirt to check for bruises.I paused and took 2 to 3 minutes looking at his perfectly tanned, abbs infested, chest of perfection. I then got insta-horny and ripped his shirt off. Why was everything about him so perfect!!!? I composed myself and began touching his chest to feel for any imaginary swelling and he began to roll his head back and softly moan. I giggled and he shot his head up and blushed that blinding red again and cleared his throat. I began laughing pretty hard.. Something I haven't done in awhile. He gave me a look witch said 'Enough!' so I stopped then everything got all dreamy like when he looked me in the eyes again. I started examining all of him, properly, for the first time making me remember when he had just walked into the classroom.

(Say something- A Great Big World Ft. Christina Aguilera playing in the background)

His eyes were golden with long lashes that brushed against his cheeks when he blinked. His nose, of perfect structure, sitting in the middle of his eliptical face. His lips Plump and now a soft, rosey pink colour and perfectly alligned with his strong, prominent cheekbones. His neck a strong structure holding up his head. His dark, ravenous hair with golden crisps at the ends and his purple highlights. His chest, a beautifully designed structure created to shield me from harms way. His line of slightly visable chest hair straight from his belly botton straight through his pectorals of steal and stopping at his smooth colarbones. His arms, long and firm with visable veins and marks of a blade running across his right arm, designed into a broken heart. He was beautiful and his whole body held a certain glow. I rubbed the serface of his 'cut' and whispered, "Why?" He said he went through a horrible period of time then he explained it all to me.

"I am actually the Prince of Britain sent out on a journy to see how normal teens behave. I was to be wed to the most beautiful girl one could possibly imagine. Princess Charlottie but not Charlotte. I loved her but terrible things happened. We were standing at the top of a forgotton waterfall and I left her a bit to set up a surprise picknik but when I got back, the last sight of her was her face sinking beneath the water with blood surrounding her pulluting the water below the 50 foot drop. I...I...I...I...I why...why....why~~" He whispered I was in total shock and had so many questions and OMG I BOXED AND BASICALLY ABUSED A PRINCE HOLY CRAP!!!!!! I felt so terrible and he fell off the chair and just laid there with no expression on his face and tears streaming out of his now grey, dull and cloudy eyes. No more golden essence....just grey.....and dull~~~~ (Say something~~~)

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