"This is very rare. The child can sometimes inherit the gene from a parent if they are a True Alpha. But that hasn't happened here. Your daughter might have received this gene from Derek. But I'm not sure." 

I smile. But then remember the virus, that almost killed me. 

"Has she been affected by the virus that almost killed me?" 

He looks closer examining her tiny structure. 


I let out a breath I had been holding in. 

"She's in perfect health." 

I smile. 

"I'll take a picture for you." 

"Thank you." 

He takes a picture and then wipes the gel from my stomach. I sit up, 

"When she's born, will she grow quicker? Like how she's developing now?" 

He nods. 

"She'll be able to walk and talk by the age of 1." 

 I place my hand on my stomach. 

"Thank you Deaton." 

I get off the table. 

"You're welcome Mackenzie. But remember to come to me if you feel weird." 

I nod and he hands me the picture. I look at it and can instantly recognise her pointy ears. I walk back to the loft and walk in and see Derek. 

"Where did you go?" 

I smile and hand him the picture. I see his eyes light up. 

"We're gonna have a daughter." 

He smiles and presses his lips to mine. 

"I'm so happy for us." 

I smile and nod. 

"But, here's something even better. Look at her ears." 

He looks at the picture and notices her ears. 

"She's got a rare gene. She will be able to transform into a proper wolf. Like your Mother." 

He smiles. 

"That's perfect. She's perfect." 

I smile. I put my hand on my stomach when I feel a kick. 

"Derek she kicked." I say, I take his hand and put it on my stomach, over the spot where she kicked. 

He smiles, 

"We need to think of names for her." He tells me. 

I nod. I have one but I'm not sure he'll like it. I'm quiet for a while. 

"Hey. What's wrong?" 

I look up, 

"I had an idea for a name. I always loved this name. I was thinking Lia. It's a Greek name, it means 'Bearer of good news.'" I say the last bit while looking him in the eye. 

I wasn't lying when I said I loved this name. He nods, 

"It's perfect. It will suit her." 

I smile. 

"Yeah. She'll grow up to be brave. And fight for what's right. Just like her father." 

He looks into my eyes. 

"And her mother." 

I think about Peter and My Uncle. Scott and Stiles. 

"We need to tell them. All of them. Scott, Stiles. Peter, my uncle. They need to know. Especially the fact that the pregnancy goes quickly." 

Red Eyes are Dangerous ~ A Derek Hale Story.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu