"Nothing." You found yourself lying as if you were six again. It was as if she had asked you what you had hiding behind your back. You both knew that you were hiding some solid chocolate behind your back. It was the last of it, your mother hardly ever let you have any, but you had found her hiding spot so you had decided to take it anyway.

  "So we go back to this?" You mother released you roughly, petting you fall to the ground. It was that moment that really did it for you. There was no doubt in your mind that Zachary had actually been telling the truth. If this was how your mother truly acted, then it backed up what he had said. Your mother had also admitted it. She had tried to kill you.

  You took a moment, letting the words fully process in your mind. There was no doubt now. She wouldn't have been so rough if she hadn't wanted you dead. The weight of that was crushing. For you it was suddenly hard to breath.

  "Pathetic." She hissed, taking a couple of steps away from you. "You haven't changed at all. You're still the weak little shit you were. You deserve the fate that I'm going to bring to you. But this time, I'm going to make it painful."

  She came to you once again, but you didn't move. Whatever was coming to you, you were ready to accept it. You let your eyes fall closed, wishing, praying to whatever God was out there, that everything would turn out okay. Never had you prayed before, but in this moment you felt as if you had to because if you died, Gilbert died.

  Gilbert. That one word felt like the light at the end on the tunnel. It was small at first but then the light would start to grow as you got closer to it. It filled you with a light feeling from your head to your toes. Sure there was still a bit of a heavy feeling, knowing your mother had tried to kill you wasn't likely to just go away. But with light, there was always a shadow to be expected.

  Keeping your eyes closed, you basked in the light of his name for a minute. You then moved your hands so they were flat against the ground. You could feel boards moved as your mother walked. But you didn't care, you just focused on trying to get your breathing under control. That was the most important thing to you in the moment. Clear your head, and think of some way to get out of this.

  Before you could process what was happened there was a snap and pain suddenly shot through your back. You couldn't kept but cry out, as others in the room gasped. More tears came to your eyes, but you pushed them back. You didn't need to let anymore tears fall. They had seen enough.

  Then it came again, the loud snap and the pain. You but your lip, doing your best not to scream out once again. No weakness, you told yourself. Even if you had to bite your lip so hard you could taste blood in your mouth, you were not going to scream again.

  Seven cracks of a whip sounded, each one hitting your back, painting it with red lines of swollen skin or open bleeding wounds. The back of your shirt now ripped open a blood stained, but that was the least of your worries at the moment. You mother was walking in front of you once again. She grabbed your hair, pulling you up for the floor. You looked up at her, your eyes filled with hatred of your own. There was no way that your love for her would be able to block that out. The one you had once loved, was now your enemy.

   "No screams or cries, (Y/N)?" She asked tilting her head to the side, trying to make herself look innocent. She did not hold the whip in her hand. You didn't even know if she had even been the one to do so. All you needed to know is that she was there. She had watched the whole thing. She hadn't said anything about wanting the whipping to stop. She was now a monster.

  "Not if it means brings a smile to your face." You were hardly able to manage the words that came out of your mouth between clenched teeth. You couldn't help but spit at her. Right in the face! You watched your saliva mixed with blood slowly drop down her face until she angrily wiped it away. You had no regrets, she had deserved it. She deserved so much more than that as well.

  "You little monster! I could kill you right now!" She screeched. Show no fear, you told yourself once again. She was going to loose this. There was no way you were going to let her win.

  "Then do it. You brought me into this world, so it only seems fit if you take me out of it." It took a second for the words to reach her ears. She had pulled out a knife, raised it into the air, but then froze. The words fully processed in her brain, causing her to stop. Her eyes widened as she seemed to come into the realization that she had indeed brought you into this world.

  "My baby." She said, almost in a whisper. The knife clattered to the ground beside her as she suddenly dropped to her knees. She looked at you, tears gathering in her eyes. She placed her hands to your cheeks, looking you over as if just realizing what had been done.

  You wanted to move away, it was the logical thing to do, but you couldn't. You had no strength left in you. There was no chance of you moving away, especially with all the blood that was currently leaving your body. So instead you found yourself leaning heavily into her touch.

  "Oh my precious baby. I am so sorry." You caught a quick glimpse of tears running down her cheeks as she pulled you into a tight but careful hug. It shot pain throughout your body once again and you tried to move away. It was no use though. Not when a new pain made itself present.

  All of your breath left your lungs, it was impossible to pull in any air. Short gasps was all you seemed to be able to manage. It wasn't enough. No amount of air seemed to be enough.

  The pain was not only in your back but your chest as well. It felt as if your heart was beating a mile a minute and yet, also the complete opposite. You couldn't tell which one it was, and didn't spend any time in trying to figure out which one it might be.

  Black spot started to dance across everything, and gathered in the corner of you eyes. Darkness was growing and you were becoming dizzy. You would have swayed if you were not leaning up against you mother. But soon she had pushed you away, letting you fall back, landing on the wounds on your back.

  The pain was unbearable. You could hardly pull in a breath. Your vision was going dark. But between it all you could see a figure standing above you. A figure you surly would never forget. The image was surly going to be burned into your memory for the rest of you life, whether that ended later or now.

  Standing above you with a knife in hand was none other than your mother.


Whoo! A long chapter. It been a while since we've had a long chapter for this. I'm so glad you guys have stuck with me this long, even with my lack of updates at times, so this is my way of saying thank you. I had a lot of fun writing this roller coaster of a chapter and hope you all enjoyed it! Hopefully there will be more long updates to come but sadly I cannot promise anything.

Anyway, again thank you all so much for sticking with this and have a wonderful day, night or afternoon.

~ HetaliaFanfics55555

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