Chapter 3- Mines of Doom

Start from the beginning

Pippin looks down and as Gandalf turns away a drum echoes through the mines. The drums get louder and faster. Everyone looks around. Sam looks at Frodo's sword.

"Frodo!" Sam exclaimed.

Frodo unsheaths his sword which is glowing blue. A screeching is heard.

"Orcs!" Legolas shouts.
Boromir runs to the doors.Two arrows fly past his head, narrowly missing him, and stick into the door.

"Get back! and stay close to Gandalf." Aragorn said to the hobbits as they back away.

Gandalf puts his arms around them. Boromir shuts the doors quickly. Aragorn comes to help him barr it shut.

"They have a cave troll!" Boromir exclaimed.

Legolas throws axes to the two men to barr the door. Gandalf draws his sword. The hobbits copy his movement but looked more unsure. The doors begin to shake as Orcs slam up against them. Gimli gets up on Balin's tomb, waving his axe.

"Agh! Let them come There's one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath." He growled. Amara rose from her knees and drew her own sword, wiping her tears away. But she remained with her back facing the door.

Aragorn and Legolas have their bows drawn. Boromir stands with his sword at the ready. As the door is battered down, Legolas fires an arrow through a hole in it. An orc screeches. Aragorn fires an arrow. The door is broken down and orcs run in. The fellowship fight off the orcs with arrows and swords.

Amara turned, letting out a battle cry and joined the fight. Aragorn looks over to the door as a cave troll, enters, a broken chain around his neck, bashing the walls with his fists. It roars. Legolas fires an arrow into its chest. It saw Sam and raised its club above its head to strike Sam. Sam dove through its legs, confusing it. It turned and followed. Aragorn and Boromir pull on the chain around its neck.

The troll stumbles backwards and swings around to face them. Boromir is still holding the chain, when the troll grabs hold of it and uses it to fling him against a wall. An orc moves to attack the dazed Boromir. Aragorn throws a knife into its neck. Boromir looks at him. Aragorn nods. The troll smashes its club into the tomb, causing Gimli to fall to the ground.

Sam, Merry and Pippin hid behind a pillar. The troll continues to swipe with its club, sending orcs flying and Gimli to the ground. Legolas stands in front of it, two arrows loaded in his bow and fires, sending it stumbling. Gandalf fights the orcs with sword and staff. Legolas from on a platform fights off some orc. The troll heads for him, swinging his chain at him.

Legolas ducks and weaves to avoid it. The chain wraps itself around a pillar. Legolas stands on the chain, then nimbly walks up it to the trolls head. He stands on its shoulders and fires an arrow into its head. The troll screams and reaches for Legolas who nimbly jumps down. The chain snaps, leaving just a collar.

The troll faced Merry, Pippin and Frodo. They all freeze in horror. The troll smashes hid club down as Merry and Pippin run to the side. Amara jumped up onto the ledge and grabs hold of Frodo, dragging him behind a pilliar.

The troll sniffs around the pillar. Amara puts a hand over Frodo's mouth and slides around the pillar as the troll moves to the other side.

Aragorn sees the distracted troll and starts to fight his way over. As Frodo and Amara stopped, once the troll was gone, the hobbit breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly the troll's face appears in front of them and roars. Frodo stumbled away from Amara, back into a corner. The troll reaches out and grabs him by the foot, dragging him along.

"Aragorn! Amara!" Frodo grabbed hold of the pillar as the elf-dwarf stabbed her sword at the troll.

Aragorn rushes over to them. The troll pulls Frodo off the ledge and he drops to the floor. Aragorn jumps down in front of the troll as it lifts its club to strike. He drives a stake into its chest.The troll screams. Amara jumped onto the troll and stabbed at his chest. Pippin and Merry throw rocks at its head. The troll takes a swipe at Aragorn, flinging him across the room where he falls, knocked out. The movement flung Amara off the troll and she landed on the other side of the room, blood pooling from her head.
Frodo hurried over to Aragorn and tried to shake him awake. The troll pulled the stake from his chest and plunges it at Frodo. The hobbit moves quickly as the stake comes down on the stone wall. He dodges the troll as it lunges for him again. He moved to get away, but the troll stood in the way. The troll plunges the stake into Frodo's chest. The battle stopped for a moment as Frodo fell lifeless. Merry and Pippin look at each other and run towards the troll, swords at the ready. They jump onto its back and attack, letting out loud battle cries.

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