Chapter 10: To Tell Something Important

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Ino kept thinking about Sakura and how she became a creature. She may not know what she is, she was hiding something and she knew it was deep.

And Naruto and Sakura were cousins!

Ino deep in thought, she never noticed that someone tapped her window.

The tapped became louder and she turned around to see the intruder.

And what she saw was an orange fox.

It was not any fox.

It was Naruto.

The orange fox sat down, his face pouted in dismay.

Ino crossed her arms."What are you doing here?"

The fox raised a brow, he couldn't hear her since the window was closed.

Ino opened the window and the orange fox jumped inside.

"Naruto, what are you doing here!"she yelled.

Naruto, still in his fox form lowered his ears."Geez, you don't want your parents get in here?"

"Uh, You baka, What are you doing here?"

His face turned serious and sat down on the wall."I know you're curious about me and Sakura."

This got her attention.

And Naruto told her.

...The truth.


Sasuke, like Ino, had a hard time thinking about Naruto and Sakura.


"What do you mean a 'Creature who can't die?' "

Naruto sighed again, his eyes closed."Thats the only hint I will give you, Sasuke...Sakura-chan and I may be cousins but we both hated lying, I tell you the truth, Sakura is not what you think it is. Beware Sasuke, don't underestimate her, alright?"he walked toward his house and was about to open the door when he turned to face him again.

"Oh and teme,"

Sasuke faced him."Yeah, dobe?"

"Don't tell anyone okay, She's too sensitive towards this subject we're talking about so I suggest don't talk about it in front of her, of course its just a suggestion but I request you not to do it alright?"

He just stood there too busy with his thoughts.



And Naruto went to his home greeted by his parents.

End Flashback

"Sasuke."A deep tone called.

He turned around and saw his older brother.


"Is something wrong?"he sat on the couch beside him.

"Nothing..."he replied.

Itachi grinned."I already knew you since you were little so no point in hiding it, so what's wrong?"

The younger brother stayed silent for a second but gave in anyway. "...Remember this girl, Sakura who I nearly injured when I was riding a bike?"

He nodded drinking a bottle of blood.

"Did you know that Naruto and her are...Cousins?"

Itachi's eyes went wide and chocked. Sasuke handed him a piece of tissue, which he gladly accepted and wiped his mouth.

"...What the hell?"he said.

Sasuke grinned at this."Even I was surprised."

"How could he and her be cousins?"

"...I don't know."he answered.

'I won't tell it to someone for now Naruto...'


Sakura entered her house and was greeted by Kuro.

'Saku-chan!' he jumped at Sakura's awaiting arms.

She hugged him.

'Saku-chan, how's school today!?' he asked.

"I'm fine Kuro-chan."she replied sweetly before she put him down on the floor.

"Let's have lunch, okay?"


"...That's not true..."

"The truth hurts Ino, the truth hurts..."Naruto repeated, now in his human form.

"Sakura, no...She can't be...No she couldn't have...Killed them all in one night..."her tears were now straying down to her cheeks.

"But she did, she did kill them all, thats the darkness itself. She hated it, she even hated herself for doing it...Over all she regretted it all and as much as she wanted to erased all hatered deep inside her heart about the witches and wizards, it won't dissappeared as long as she love again."

Ino stared at him."...Just hearing it...Its not in her nature to do it, to kill."

"She was comsumed by hate, and was blind by it."

"Who would have thought that Sakura is an...


(A/N: And cut! What a nice way to end this chapter. And it seems that Naruto already told Ino what Sakura really is. I guess...Nevermind. Below are the funfacts!)

1. Naruto and Sakura both have some similar characteristics. Sakura and Naruto hated lying and tends to keep a secret without saying a word, and since she trusts Naruto, he was the first person to know what she is.

2. Sakura doesn't have a work and therefore she dosen't have money, but surprisingly,  Minato and Kushina sends some money to her since they were the one who has connection to her.

3. Sakura may not have a work but a long time ago she works as a skilled doctor.

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