Chapter 3: Tsunade and Shizune

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It was a sunny day in the city of Konoha.

Tsunade stared at the window.

Finally she found Sakura, for many years she went looking everywhere far and wide searching for her and her efforts finally came off.

Tommorow is the first day of school of Konoha high. New students, old and other teachers are again going to school but problems arise just before the school starts

Three months ago, she had recieved a call from her assistant Shizune, who had claimed that Orochimaru, a snake demon was on the move on making himself immortal. He was once a friend of Tsunade until he was obsessed of grasping immortality however, Jiraiya was also a friend who tried to stopped him but in no avail the snake demon pursued leaving.

The trio was called the 'Three Legendary Demons' Tsunade is a slug demon, Jiraiya is a toad demon, and Orochimaruis snake demon.

They had lived hundreds of years of being a demon but that dosen't mean that they can't die, one of the reasons why Orochimaru was so too grasping of touching immortality.

The reason why they are here on earth was to be a peace makers between the creatures here on earth, well, except that the demon snake had betrayed of being that one.

Now that he is on the move, she had a high possiblity that he is also searching for her apprentice, Sakura. Sakura is the only one who is immortal or so she believed, so she had no doubt that he wants to find her no matter what the price is.

Now that she had found Sakura.

What could possibly happen when she meet her again?


Sakura was in front of the Konoha High gates.

Kuro stepped forward beside her and looked at her.'Saku-chan!'

Sakura looked down at him."Hm?"

'Is this it?' he asked.

She smiled at him and nodded, she stared straight forward at the school.'...So nostalgic.'

'Lets go Saku-chan!' he hopped forward excitedly.

She smiled at him and entered the gates and greet one of the guards who approached her."Are you a student? Tommorow is the start of the school."he said.

She waved her hand politely."I know that, I am here to speak with the principal, Tsunade-sama."she explained.

"Oh I see, well you may enter."he pointed directly at the entrance.

"Thank you, lets go Kuro."

'Hai!' he went to caught up with her.

As she entered the hallways. She observed that nothing has changed from the past. It was still the same apparently.

"Sakura-sama?"a familar voice called.

She stopped in her tracks and grinned."Its been a long time since I last saw you, Shizune."she turned around to see her.

Shizune bowed quickly."I'm sorry if I did not see you right way!"she appologized in a wary voice.

"No need to apologized,  Shizune-chan."Sakura chuckled playfully.

Kuro sweatdropped.'Saku-chan really likes to call anyone with chan...'

Shizune raised her head up, still embarrassed that she didn't sooner find her."Ano...Tsunade-sama want to see you immediately."she said.

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