Changing the Story

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I'm so sorry! Another plot came in my mind and I decided to change the whole story!

Elementian's Academy: The Long Lost Elemental Royalties will turn into:

The Lost Demigods: The Bow of Winter and The Sword of Freyr

Changes in the Story:
1. Change in Supporting Characters
2. Change in Plot
3. Change in the Flow of the Story
4. Change in happenings
5. Change in Language (Pure English)
6. And many more-- I guess?

But we will still have our four main characters.

I want to be extraordinary. Because almost all story only have the same plots! With you know, Academies...... I don't want it to happen in an Academy. I also want to have my own originality.

So I'm sorry. If you don't like it, You can leave because it will be a whole lot of a different story

Peace out.

PS: I will try to update chapter 2 tommorow

The Lost Demigods: The Bow of Winter and The Sword of FreyrWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu