When you bestfriend tries to steal him

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all credits to the owner!!!


It was his birthday and everyone was all gathered in one of the popular clubs in town. He booked the whole of the top floor so no fans could intrude or fangirl over any of the celebrities he invited. There was well over 200 people here and you were sat at the bar all on your own.

You knew everyone present, so it wasn't like you couldn't talk to anyone, you were just tired from dancing with Seungri and Jiyong and decided to take a break, letting them carry on or find some girls to dance with. Seunghyun was also going around having fun and chatting to people so there was that as well.

You were ordering another vodka shot when Daesung came over to you.

"Hey" He grinned.

"Hellooo" You replied and have him a quick hug as he sat down and ordered a drink for himself, he had obviously been on the dance floor himself too.

"Have you seen Jia by any chance?" You asked. Jia was your best friend and had tagged along with you to the party tonight. She wasn't close with Top and he honestly found her a little annoying, so her invite got 'lost in the mail'. When he told you about the 'lost in the mail' thing you got angry and invited her yourself.

"Oh yeah, she's over there on those couches with TOP"

"...With Seunghyun?"


Why would he be with her, are they finally getting along? You smiled and dismissed yourself from Daesung. You push through the crowds of people, stopping to smile at a few people who waved and asked you to pass on greetings to your boyfriend, and then finally you found Seunghyun.

He was sat with a group of people and didn't look very happy at all. As you got closer you noticed a hand on his chest and one on his shoulder. You couldn't tell whose hand it was just yet until you stood at the end of the curved booth, directly across the table from Seunghyun and.. your 'best friend', Jia.

She gasps fakely when she saw you stood there, as if they'd been caught doing something they shouldn't of been, but didn't remove her hands off of your boyfriend.

"Oh ____..." She started.

"Shut up" Seunghyun cut her off and stood up immediately, looking panicked.

You shook your head and felt the tears brim your eyes. Putting a hand over your mouth to stop the whimpers from coming out, you ran, you ran through the crowd and he followed you, attempting to get passed the crowd and those stopping him to give him a greeting or a 'happy birthday'

You hid in the alley next to the club and let the tears and whimpers fall out. He appeared at the end of the alley, looking in and didn't waste any time running over and pulling you into his arms. You didn't fight it like you felt like should've, but you liked his warmth so instead you didn't move and decided to listen to whatever excuse he had for what just happened.

"It isn't what it looked like. She came on to me, I was ignoring her!" He explained. His deep voice giving you chills down your spine.


"It's true!" He begged. He saw the tears staining your now red cheeks and began wiping them as your cheek pressed against his chest and he rocked back and forth, somewhat soothing you. He was always good at calming you down and cheering you up, that's one of the reasons you love him so much.

"If it is true, why didn't you push her off?"

"Because I knew you were already angry I didn't invite her, so I thought you'd get angry if I..."

"If she was trying to seduce you?!" You pulled away, looking at him like he was stupid and shook your head. You sighed angrily and started to walk away from him.

"No no no no, look" He walked after you and grabbed your arm, spinning you around to look at him again.

"I am sorry okay, I did something wrong, please, I am sorry!" He pulled you into him again and rested his forehead on yours.

"I... forgive you" He smiled, but then noticed you were still crying. He frowned and tucked the stray hairs behind your ears, looking down at you with concern.


"I can't believe she'd do this to me" You sobbed into his chest and he rested his chin on the top of your head.

"This is why I never liked her... let's go home?"

"Okay" You sniffled and walk to his car.

He forgot his party, you were more important.

T.O.P BIGBANG IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora