Need You Now

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All credits to the owner!!!!!


It had just been a few weeks since you and your long-term boyfriend , Choi Seunghyun, broke up. It was somewhat of a mutual breakup... you both were so busy with your own lives and jobs that time together became less and less. The frustration of the entire situation, of not being able to see each other, or be there for each other, led to a blow-out fight that neither of you would've expected to be the end of your 3 year relationship. But it was.

And it had only been getting harder and harder to accept as the days went on. You hadn't seen Seunghyun, much less anyone in the past few weeks. You were a mess beyond belief and it was quite embarrassing. You never wanted to be that girl who looked like shit after her break up. And what made it even worse was that somehow you felt like Seunghyun was doing much better than you were.

Work had been crappy and unrewarding as usual that day, but even still you dreaded the fact that you had the weekend off... mostly because this was the weekend you had planned a trip with Seunghyun when you two were still together.

So to start off your weekend instead, on your way home, you decided to stop by the bar for a couple of much needed drinks. One glass of whiskey after another, the burn in your throat, the numbness it gave you... none of it was able to push down your growing feeling of loneliness and loss.

Memories of the last few hellish days with Seunghyun, where you two fought endlessly about stupid little things that never used to bother you two before... yelling, cursing, crying... it was not you two at all. You two were always able to work and talk things out.

What happened to us, Seunghyun? You kept repeating that question over and over in your head. And each time you couldn't find an answer, you downed another glass of whiskey.

The room was spinning and you were feeling lightheaded, but you seemed to have enough sense to know it was time for you to stop and go home. But as you pushed yourself up from the bar and made your way to the exit, you felt like your whole world feel crumbled beneath your feet... and it wasn't because of the alcohol.

There he was, making his way into the bar. Just like you had guessed, he still looked as handsome and as stable as when you met him. Everything about his was the opposite of you... and it didn't fail to make you feel even worse.

For a split second, your imagined what it would be like if you two were still together. You would've called out to him, run up to him and hug him, he would've scolded you for drinking too much, and eventually leave whoever he was with to take you home and take care of you...

Whoever he was with... You hadn't even noticed before who he was with, but now that you saw her, you wish you didn't. She was beautiful and elegant looking and seemed to have everything you didn't... including the man that was walking beside her.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it did when your eyes locked with his and time seemed to have stopped. The moment his eyes met yours, everything about his appearance sagged. He was no longer smiling but his lips were in a thin line, brows furrowed, the only thing that seemed alive and shining were his eyes as they bore deep into you but were unreadable.

Not being able to take another second of him analyzing your existence, you hurried out of the bar and practically ran back to the apartment. On the outside, you managed to appear normal, contained, and well-kept. But on the inside, you was breaking apart and screaming.

Who knew that the mere sight of him would reduce you to this state of insanity and just completely inconsolable. As soon as you entered the safety of you apartment, you withdrew the mask you've kept for so long and broke down on the living room floor.

How did it come to this? How did I lose the one man that can make me into this state... and the only one that could make it better?

From the moment that you two broke up, he had never left your mind. Since then, you always wondered if it was the same for him. It only became apparent to you now, that may not have been the case.

Soon, you're wails subdued to a steady stream of tears down your cheeks as you stared at the one picture you kept of the two of you. Both of your happy and smiling faces pressed against each other, not aware that the fate of the relationship would end up here.

Maybe it was the alcohol rushing through your system or the voice that was still denying that it was over between you two, but after weeks of never constantly stopping yourself, you took out your phone and dialed his number.

You don't remember if you heard the dial tone or if you heard him pick up, but words began to spill out of your mouth regardless. You just needed to let them out.

"Seunghyun-ah... Seunghyun oppa... I saw you today..." You spoke softly at first as you remembered how he looked. "Isn't it weird... I didn't want to... but wanted to see you at the same time?" The stream of tears became thicker as flashes of our memories together came to mind.

You couldn't begin to think of how desperate and pathetic this all sounded... you were too focused on the fact that you were losing someone you loved when deep down you knew that it shouldn't be the end. So you didn't care.

"It hurts so much... what happened to us Seunghyun-ah? Why did we become like this?" You were beginning to feel frantic, "I... I... I still love you... please come back to me. I'm sorry... please..."

Your tears came back full forcing you to end the call as you brought your hands to your face. You sobbing was so loud that you almost didn't hear the knocks at your door.

Pushing yourself to your unsteady feet, not bothering to wipe the tears from you face, you open your front door to reveal the person who was the cause of your current state. Seunghyun stood there in front of your door, no other girl in sight, his phone still pressed to his ear, with a few tears running down his face, looking just as broken as you had been feeling this whole time.

"I'm sorry..." He finally spoke with that deep voice you had missed so much. "I'm so sorry..."

He wrapped you into a tight embrace and gave you a long kiss on the top of your head.

"I...missed you so much..." He whispered, barely keeping back his tears.

You two held onto each other tight while crying... both knowing that you would never let each other go again.

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