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You are laying on the couch watching some drama there.Your bored with that channel so you decide to change it but,the remote is missing.
You check between the couch for the remote but find something else instead. You find a lighter. Is he smoking?! (yea top is smoking in real life). You heard the door click and you hide the lighter to your pocket. You hug him and touch his pocket. "What is it jagi?" he sweetly said but you failed to find a cigarette."Nothing!Yah! Go change" you smiled to him and get his coat. He look at you suspiciously as you get his coat. After you strip his coat he snatch it to you. He stare at you like 'What is it?'. You just laugh and turn your back to him. "Yah jagiya. Your hiding something right?" he ask as he back hug you and put his cheen to your shoulder. You just hold his hands for a while. "Go change now. Pleeease" you said as you push him into the bed room. "Hmm k. I will go shower first." he smiles and your ready to find some of the evidence that is missing. As Seung Hyun locked the door, you quickly get his coat like a ninja and you find a cigarettes. 'Its true! And he is kissing me?! Yuuck!' you shout to your brain. You get his cigarettes and find some research. 'BIGBANG TOP smoking?' and its true! With images!

 'BIGBANG TOP smoking?' and its true! With images!

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Did he not know this is bad?! Seung hyun finished the shower and you look at him angrily with concern

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Did he not know this is bad?! Seung hyun finished the shower and you look at him angrily with concern. "Why~?" he ask and came to you. "Yah,when did you start it? Its unhealthy!" you said and hit his arm softly. "What is it?" he said calmly. "This." you said and gave him the lighter and cigarettes. "Uh.Its from Ji Yong" he lies. 거 짓 말... You gave him the laptop and he bite his lower lip. "uuh,sorry. Im just scared telling you" he said. "Tsk! Thats all are bad! And you kissing me every hours!" you said with a disgust tone. He just hug you tightly and kiss your head. "Dont worry. I wont leave you early and we will make a big future." and after that he kiss you.



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Quit smoking if you want to last longer

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Quit smoking if you want to last longer. Its bad to our health.

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