Part 16

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Harry and Severus waited at the Gargoyle for Lucius to arrive. Neither spoke but they could hear the yelling of Molly Weasley. Lucius didn't speak as he arrived, knowing they were listening. He smirked as he heard "my daughter isn't a hussy!"

"How did she get here so fast?" Lucius had been ready to head to Hogwarts when Draco showed up in the floo.

"He let her use his floo." Normally, the floo network wasn't used by parents unless it was an emergency.

"We might as well head up there. Why Harry is in trouble I have no idea." Lucius was going to enjoy this. He could see Harry was already planning something. He hoped he had enough funds with him to cover whatever the boy had planned.

The three of them headed up the stairs, the door opened before anyone could knock. "Harry, come in." Dumbledore clearly hadn't looked to see who was with Harry.

"Hussy, hussy." The furbies were chanting.

"You rotten brat. How-" Molly whirled around and froze seeing Lucius and Severus with Harry.

"Brat, brat." They changed their chant too. Dumbledore was doing this best to ignore them. McGonagall had her hand over closed eyes, a sign a headache was approaching.

"I believe you requested Mr. Potter's presence?" Lucius took the seat that Dumbledore transfigured since Severus went to stand by the bookcase, with Harry standing next to him. In the other seats were McGonagall, Ginny, Molly, and Arthur.

"I believe it's a slight misunderstanding. I was hoping we could speak to Harry and work it out." Dumbledore held out his candy dish. "Lemon drop?"

"NOOOO, not our candy....Daddy, nooo. No more potions in drops, they ours." Tear sounds started.

"I'll say calling my daughter a hussy."

"Hussy. Hussy." The chanting started again.

"Please refrain from using words that set them off." Dumbledore held up a piece of chocolate. The Furbies started making purring sounds.

Harry was about to comment but Severus shook his head no. "Mrs. Weasley perhaps Professor McGonagall failed to mention that yesterday Miss Weasley tripped into Mr. Potter, she fell, exposing her bare buttocks in the hall for all to see. Mr. Potter has put up with your daughter trying to sit in his lap, exposing a variety of body parts, and sexual innuendo. You son, together with your daughter and Miss Granger, regularly ease drop on their conversations and try to get them into trouble. It has backfired numerous times, resulting them being barred from the library. Miss Grangers' parents have removed her from Hogwarts."

"My daughter-"

"She loud." Furby one said.

"She sooooooo loud." Furby two agreed.

Dumbledore held up the piece of chocolate. "Molly, be quiet." Arthur rose. "I'm not sure what exactly is going on, but I know what my other boys have told me. I have heard all the different excuses, but that is what they are, excuses for our youngest two's bad behavior. No longer. Ginny wasn't wearing any undergarments. That is very concerning to me. Percy and the twins have written a great deal about what they have seen and heard. Mr. Potter, I do apologize on behalf of my wife and youngest children."

"Thank-you. I accept. Please just keep them away from me."

"To make sure it happens. I have a restraining order for Ronald and Ginerva Weasley." Lucius pulled out the paperwork. "The Dursleys' filed the request last week and has it's been an ongoing issue. Amelia agreed that it would help solve the issue."

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