Untitled Part 12

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This is 3rd year and I forgot to add the first part, so this is like January to summer of 3rd year.


Song is Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love


St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day Singing Dancing Light Up Leprechaun Plush Doll Party Decoration

End of the Second year:

Rookwood and Severus exited the floo, laughing as they headed to the family sitting room. "What has the pair of you laughing?" Lucius could hear them down the hall.

"Dumbledore." They finally answered. "Whatever Harry did to the thing he sent Dumbledore, nothing is breaking the charm. The thing keeps calling him Daddy, and changes to match whatever Dumbledore is wearing."

"He can't break it. Petunia and Dudley had Marge charm the batey, and after that, had Narcissa cast one of the Black family charms that links it to the first person it saw when it opened its eyes. Do you have a memory or two to share?"

"I think you mean battery. We have more than two. The man keeps trying to banish it back to his quarters but it just reappears next to him, saying "Daddy isn't very nice" or "Daddy is a sore loser" and my personal favorite "Daddy loves Snakes", I thought the man turned five shades red when it said that." Severus honestly had no idea how it was done.

"What is it called?" Rookwood had never seen anything like it.

"I am not sure. Petunia just said he would find it extremely annoying."

"It is, trust me." Severus laughed. "He is hoping him and Minerva can transfigure it."

"It's called a Furby." Dudley informed them. "Mom said dinner is ready."


Start of the third year:

Draco watched as Granger and the Weasleys went through the barrier. "Great they're back." Harry grinned as suddenly Granger and the two youngest Weasleys' trunks disappeared.

"What did you do?" Blaise could see the confusion on the faces of the Weasleys and Granger. Mrs. Weasley looked like she was going to explode.

"Dobby." Harry answered. "Seems he doesn't like how Weasley hurt me. Seems he wants to make sure they feel welcomed back in Gryffindor."

"So I am guessing they will wearing green and silver for the rest of year?" Blaise knew house elves were crafty, but he didn't think they played pranks, that is until he met Dobby.

"Yes, I believe he also mentioned something about their skin matching."

"I bet he mentioned it." Vincent told Greg.

"Now I need some volunteers for our return train prank." Harry held up his endless pouch.

"What is this time?" Daphne asked as she held out her hand.


The students were laughing at each other as they made their way to the carriages. If you were a Gryffindor, you were wearing a black panther outfit, if you were a Ravenclaw you were dressed as an American Bald Eagle if you were a Hufflepuff you were dressed like a Raccoon, and Slytherins were dressed like King Cobras, but each costume was in a different house color. The Puffs were in red, the Slytherins were in black, the Claws were in green, and the Gryffindors were in yellow.

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