Returning to Hogwarts

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Weasel stomping day

pop goes the weasel

I am Weasel

Chapter Text

"Now remember, do everything I wouldn't do." Dudley said to his cousin as they saying good-bye. The group was waiting for Pansy and Daphne to arrive.

"Dud, you are so limiting me." Harry wiggled his nose, making his glasses bob up and down. "You have the list of things I want you to send me?"

"Yes, send Hedwig when you can, it will take a few trips." Dudley answered. "Dad is having a few of the guys gather some of the stuff you want for Valentine's."

"Look snakes and worms." Weasley stated.

"Worms?" Dudley asked. "Red hair, badly dressed, loud, you must be Weasley?"

"Yes, and that is him thinking he is being funny. We have warned him about thinking but he hasn't heeded our warnings." Draco explained. "We have, also, determined he has no sense of humor, but surprisingly Granger does."

"Death Eater scum." Weasley stated.

"You know, Draco, I think those are the only words he knows. We might need to actually teach him new words. Harry and I got a few training books." Blaise stated. He held up a Chocolate Frog. "You will get his reward if you can say you are leaving."

"As long as you don't return as of yet. I don't think he is up to playing fetch Blaise." Harry held back the snort as Weasley's face went red.

"I think we are going to have a hard time teaching him to sit." Pansy joined them.

"You are going to get yours." Weasley stated.

Petunia glared as Vernon pulled Harry to him. "Making threats against my nephew. It's bad enough you terrorized him last term, you won't be doing that this term."

"Ronald, what are you doing? I do apologize, my son worries about the dark forces at work out there."

"Does she think this is Star Wars and like your uncle is Darth Vader?" Draco asked.

"I can't pull off Luke Skywalker, you could, you have the blond hair." Harry answered.

"Harry's more like Lando." Dudley added.

"I want to be Princess Laia." Daphne stated. "Theo, you want to be Hans?"

"Yes!" Theo fist pumped in joy.

"I wanted to be Darth Vader, I was working on the voice." Blaise stated. "We need to rewatch those movies again."

"Boys, train. Mrs. Weasley, I am sure things will improve this term." Narcissa stated. She started to hug the children as they gathered their trunks. They watched as the train pulled away.

"I have a feeling Mr. Weasley is going to have a few friend." Lucius said as they were leaving the platform.

"Oh?" Petunia asked.

"I'll let it be a surprise." Lucius exchanged a look with his wife. "It will provide hours of memories I am sure."


"I am telling you I don't know how to end it." The bushy haired girl yelled as she stormed past their compartment. "I am sure Professor McGonagall will be able to figure out what you did wrong."

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