Peacock Gone

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Draco and Harry were sitting in their compartment waiting for everyone else to arrive. "Draco, Weasel is by himself." They had arrived early, in order to avoid anyone Dumbledore might have arranged to be on the platform.

"Do you think the talk your aunt had with Granger's parents worked?" Draco asked. He could see the red-haired Weasleys were all rushing about, but no Granger. They had been watching them and could tell they were also looking for Harry. It had been hinted at in a meeting that Harry needed Dumbledore's guidance and Severus had felt they might even use potions.

"Aunt Petunia didn't think it did. She felt like the Grangers didn't believe her. She even showed them my letters." Petunia had arrived back home after meeting Jean and Edward Granger. She found them to be an adult version of the bushy haired girl Harry had described to her. Harry and Dudley had laughed when she informed them that while they maybe dentists they were clueless about social interactions and it did explain their daughter.

"You know he won't make it without her." Draco commented as their compartment door was opened and Pansy, Blaise, Theo, and Daphne entered.

"You won't believe what we just heard." Pansy rushed out. Theo barely had time to close the door before Pansy was speaking.

"Hello Pans, how are you?" Harry asked.

"Harry, it's Granger, her parents won't let her return." Pansy was almost bouncing with excitement as she ignored Harry's comment.

"I'm fine, Pans, so is Dray." Harry continued. He saw the annoyed looked Pansy gave him. "We kind of already figured that out. We just mentioned how well my aunt's visit to her parents must have gone."

"I don't think she will remain gone." Blaise remarked. "We won't be that lucky."

"It won't last. Dumbledore will talk her parents around. I wouldn't be surprised is she was sitting at Hogwarts when we arrive. You heard the Weasley family." Theo stated.

"True." Daphne remarked. Everyone was finally seated. "Where are Vince and Greg?"

"They're out delivering some food." Harry cryptically answered, causing all of them to wonder what Harry had done for the train ride.

"What were they saying?" Draco asked.

"Mrs. Weasley was going to immediately write to the Dumbledore and I stated she would get him to fix the situation. You know he will do that eye twinkling routine, say how safe Hogwarts is, and how much their daughter needs to learn magic." Blaise commented. "He always gets his way."

"Until Harry." Draco snorted.

"If she returns, she returns, if not, well, it's not going to change our plans. Though I have to admit I wanted to see how she would look with some of those pranks we have." Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think Weasley will know what to do without a brain."


Draco and Harry were watching almost everyone reluctantly leave the train. Anyone who wasn't on their train car were not happy campers. Blaise stepped closer. "I think you used to much frog's spleen."

"I agree. I didn't think that shade of green existed." Draco remarked. Every single student was a funky lime green color, had a tail, and rabbit ears.

"The potion for making look like a rabbit, said 1/2 a cup." Harry replied.

Draco closed his eyes. "Harry that is in American. Remember Auggie explained how there is a difference in their measurements. You used British measuring cup."

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