"Well, that's because- Mr. Ichinose, Mr. Ichinose...." the teacher sigh angrily "YUICHIRO ICHINOSE!! Would you raised your head sweetie place??? It's not sleepy time, so please pay attention to the class or walk out."

"Man! I don't even wanna be here anymore!" Yu stood up and was about to leave until he saw Tepe's eyes, AND OMFG THEY WERE RIGHT, HE'S SO GODDAMN CUTE! AND I HAVE THE LUCK THAT I CAN SEE HIS FUCKING EYES!! YEEEESSS!! TAKE THAT BITCHES! I AM OWNER OF THAT MOTHERFUCKER! WOOHOOO!! Thought Yu "Hi." He awkwardly waved to Tepes.

"Hi..." Tepes waved back with awkwardness "Umm..." Tepes looked down.

"Mr. Ichinose." Asked the teacher "Are you leaving or are you staying with us?" Asked the teacher.

"Oh... Yeah! I! Umm... Yes!" Yu said as he sat back down. Yu sat on the left back of the classroom while Tepes was on the front right of the classroom so they had a big distance between them, and the girls already took most of the sits around Tepes so even if Yu wanted to sit next to Tepes... There was no chance. Still, Yu would stare at Tepes's back, which was enough for Yu's little gay heart.

Tepes would occasionally look back just to catch Yu staring at him, which Yu would respond with quickly looking away and pretending like he's looking at something else, which Tepes considered kinda cute.

What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? OMG! I wanna talk to him but what if he's not gay? After all, there's weird moments where this happens but it's way too weird! WHAT IF THAT HAPPENS AND HE'S JUST TRAPPED WITH ME? Yu worried.


At the end of class; finally time to eat, Yu's second favorite time, Yu was leaving until he felt someone tap his back. Yu turned and looked at gorgeous Mr. Tepes behind him.

"Hi, Yu!" Said Tepes giving him a sweet smile.

"Hi...." OMFG HE EVEN KNOWS MY NICKNAME!! HOW MUCH LUCK DO I HAVE TODAY??? Ok Yu, this is your FIRST chance! Invite him for lunch "Oh! I- um.. Would you like to eat lunch with me- Us? Me and my friends!" Nailed it! Thought Yu as he walked to the lunch line besides Tepes.

"Of course!" Tepes smiled "I would loved to." It's my gay showing? Should I be gayer? Thought Tepes "Btw, good to see you again!" Tepes said "I see your eyes are as pretty as ever." whispered Tepes to Yu with a Debby Ryan kinda look.

Shit! I'm gay Yu thought. "Thanks!" Yu smiled not paying attention to the 'Good to see you again'. "I love your eyes too!" Yu said out loud. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at them.

"Wait! You can see his eyes?"

"Y'all soulmates?"



"So? Y'all ain't special >:'("

"Aww! Why can't I see your eyes? :("

People continued.

"Uh..." Yu panicked "I- I..." He looked down and thought about something fast "IM HUNGRY!" Yelled Yu as he grabbed Tepe's arm and hurried to the lunch line. "THEY'RE STILL STANDING SO HOPEFULLY THE LINE WON'T BE SO LONG!" Yu yelled as he hurried to the lunch line.

"NO RUNNING ON THE HALLWAY!" Yelled the principal.

"Sorry!" Yu stopped running and started speed walking but would still run just for short distances "Ha! Their rules are weak when it comes to me and my smart brain!" Yu said to Tepes, who was still trapped in Yu's grip. Not that he minded though.

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