Good News Everywhere

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Bekka's POV

        "I'm pregnant!" Angel exclaimed while clapping her hands in excitement. I look over at Seth,

        "Again? Boy, you need to keep it in your pants! You already have three!" I laugh.

        "I just can't help myself" He jokes. Angel's oldest are twins from a past relationship, but Seth thinks of them as his own. They've been married for six months and Angel has been dying for another baby.

        "Since you're big business now, I was hoping you could give me a maturity leave" Angel wondered. 

        I laugh, "I don't have much of a choice, do I? How about this: instead of sending you back home, you can take a break. Until the baby comes you can be my vice general manager" I inform her. She lets out a squeal and hugs me. I pull her off so I can do my new segment with Paige.

        "Listen, Bekka. You may be the GM now but that doesn't give you the liberty to do whatever you want" Paige snapped.

        I laugh, "What did I ever do to make you despise me? Ever since you lost the Diva's title, you've been bitter. I mean, get over it! It was almost a year and a half ago!" She scowls,

        "I know what game you're playing, Bryan. But guess what? Two can play" The shorter girl then puts both of her hands of the sides of my head and smashes her lips into mine. She removes her fingers from my skull and walks away with a devious grin from ear to ear. When the camera cut to the next match, I chased her down the hallway.

        "That wasn't part of the script! You were supposed to slap me and them walk away. A kiss was never involved!" I confront. 

        "You see, Bekka. You're crazy. The writers must have been mental when they wrote that because I can't see you telling me to 'get over it'. I had to spice it up a bit. Like I said, you're crazy... and maybe I like crazy" Upon the last word, she walked away with the same grin from the first time.

        I open the door to my office, "You will not believe what just happened to me"

        "Paige kissed you in a segment this time? Yeah, I just saw" Ryder said, not taking her eyes off of the Bad News Barrett versus Cesaro match. I grab the remote to the monitor and click it off.

        "Yes, Paige kissed me but it wasn't in the script!" I informed her, reaching for the sheet of paper on my desk.

        Ryder looked confused, "You sure?" I handed her the paper and folded my arms.

        "Read it and weep" She eyed the script for a second and begun to laugh.

        "Looks like someone has a crush on you besides Jey Uso" After she spoke, you covered her mouth as if she wasn't supposed to say that.

        I glare at her, "Wait, did you just say what I think you just said?"

        "Naomi told me not to tell you. I really didn't mean for it to come out like that" Ryder admits. 

        "Guess that explains the random acts of chivalry" I sigh, sitting down. "If Dean hears about this, he's going to rip Jey's head off"

        "Hear about what?" A voice asks from the doorway. I stand up,

        "Wow, you really need to stop doing that" I laugh nervously. 

        Dean begins to step closer, "Why would I rip Jey's head off?" He urged. I hated lying to him, but I needed to say something.

        "I put you in a match against him for next Friday. You know, you would rip his head off during the match" I bluff. Dean relaxes a little bit,

        "Okay, that's good. I thought you were going to say something else. But now I'm glad that you meant that instead. It would have really ruined this moment if you didn't"

        My eyes squint, "What moment?" I question. Before I had time to think, he lowered himself onto one knee and pulled a tiny box from his back pocket. 

        "You've helped me through everything, Beks. You've seen me at my worst and still stuck by my side. When we first met, I was broken, then you fixed me. You're my best friend and the greatest girlfriend I could ever ask for, but the title 'girlfriend' is getting a little old. Rebekka Amelia Bryan..." He then opened the box to reveal the most gorgeous piece of jewelry I had even laid my eyes on. "Will you be my wife?" I was in pure shock. I began to well up and choke on my words.

        "I- I... Yes. I will marry you" He smiled, took my left hand, and slide the ring onto my finger. Dean stood and I hugged him tight, staining his shirt with tears.

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