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Bekka's POV

        Evolution was in the ring, ranting on and on about how 'they are the alphas' and blah blah blah. I pull my mask up and the music begins.








        I walk out with microphone in hand as the hounds follow. I yank the mask off of my head and listen to the crowd scream "Shield" .

        "Do you enjoy hearing yourself speak, Hunter?" I ask, bitter-sweetly.

        "Actually, I do. But I have to ask, why are you out here?" He quizzed. I thought for a moment, but instead of answering, I handed the microphone to Dean, who explained for me. After the segment, I went backstage and find Brad Maddox in the locker room.

        "Bekka, you officially have a match tonight. 6-man mixed tag, you and the Uso's versus Aj Lee and Rybaxle." He stated, talking with his hands.

        I nod, "Whatever you say, Brad"

        We continue to talk about future segments when he tells me about an upcoming feud.

        "You and Paige are going to have a feud that starts with you mocking her about how she never stood a chance at keeping the Diva's title" Maddox explains. After we speak, I head out to my match.

        "Are you sure you don't want us at ringside? Just in case Kane tries something?" Dean concerned

        "Don't worry, babe. I'll be fine." I assure him, going to the gorilla.

        8 O'clock, Monday Night, and I'm waiting...

        My theme booms through the arena. Shortly after mine, the Uso's come in and then Rybaxle, in which Aj walked out with them. Aj and I locked up, which quickly shifted to me forcing her back into a turnbuckle. I swung her away like a ragdoll and ran at her with a swift knee to the head. She fell over, holding her skull in pain. I yanked her up by her shirt and whipped her into the ropes. She bounced off, trying to kick me but was intercepted with a belly-to-belly suplex. I stood up and released a loud battle-cry. Aj staggered to her feet but was quickly taken back down by a heavy clothesline, using something from Dean's playbook. I climbed to the top rope, waiting for Aj to rise once more.

        Before I could go for a Checkmate, a meaty hand grabbed my ankle and yanked me off of the turnbuckle and onto the floor. I didn't get a good look at who it was, but they were pulling me under the ring. I begin clawing the ground, trying to save myself. My bottom half is under the ring when I heard a cover.



        3! "Here are your winners... The Uso's and Bekka Bryan!"

        After that, they swiftly come to my aid. Jey grabs my right hand and Jimmy grabs the left and they begin pulling me out from under the dark abyss. Not only do I slide out, but the person attached to my legs comes out as well. I yank my legs away and the twins help me up. Kane rises to his feet and stares down at the three of us when out of nowhere, the Hounds are released.

        "Are you sure you're alright? That fucktard didn't bite your leg or anything, did he?" Dean wondered, examining me.

        I laugh, "I'm fine, really. Just some gunk under my nails from trying to claw away from him" Jey and Jimmy meet us in the locker room,

        "You alright, Sparkplug?" Jey asked, calling me by my old nickname. I nodded and thanked them for helping, once again.

        I head to the main hallway of the backstage area for my segment with Paige. I stand, cleaning the crap out of my nails when she approaches.

        "Looks like you had to have help, once again." She spat.

        I raised an eyebrow, "What do you want, Paige?" 

        "I just want you to know that it was a rotten decision for you to bring back that championship. Because you won't have it for long" Paige threats.

        I roll my eyes and prepare myself for what the writers called 'Pulling a Jennifer Lawrence'.  "This is coming from the girl who couldn't keep a hold of her title long enough to call herself a champion. But of course, we all make rotten decisions. Rotten decisions make the world go 'round! You know, sometimes in life, all you have are messed up, rotten decisions!" I then, following the scrip, grab her head and yank her in for a messy, 2 second kiss and pulled away. I then walk off, laughing like a lunatic. The camera shows her wiping smudged lip gloss off of her face and cuts to the next match.

        I enter the locker room, in search for a piece of gum. I look through the pockets of Dean's jacket and find a piece of winter mint. I pop it into my mouth as Dean enters the room,

        "Is that my last piece?" He interrogates. 

        "Maybe" I respond, blowing a bubble.

        "So you really had to kiss Paige?" Dean questions with a smirk. I nod,

        "I did. The writers said that they want me to be the Rosalyn Rosenfeld of the WWE. Unstable, good looking, and stubborn. Trust me, if it weren't in the print, I wouldn't have done it" I reapply my gloss and begin watching the match between Cesaro and Rob Van Dam.

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