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Bekka's POV

        I stand in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand, getting ready to give Vickie Guerrero a piece of my mind.

        "Do you even know how to run this show, Vickie?" I ask her. She scowls at my comment, but doesn't speak due to her lack of microphones. I continue,

        "I mean, we all know that the only reason that you're here is because of your last name" I sass. "You wouldn't even exist to these people if you didn't marry the late and great Eddie Guerrero. You know, it's really sad that you used it to get here and you still suck at your job" She begins to yell, but to the audience, it's a distant screech.

        "So tell me, Vickie. Do you even know how to run a roster correctly?" I question as her face turns red.

        No chance, that's whatcha got...

        I pull the microphone away from my mouth and see Vince McMahon walk out.

        "I've been listening to what you've been saying, Bekka. I understand what you're getting at. It pains me to say this, but I have to agree. So if you don't like the way Vickie is running Smackdown... how about you do it instead?" He smirks.

        "Wow, Vince. That offer is very tempting, but being a part of the Shiel-" Vince cut me off,

        "I understand, you don't want to be a part of the authority. So think of it this way: You are using this position to bring justice to the higher-powers, all while you stick by your fellow hounds who bring justice to the locker room. In fact, how about you run both shows?" I unfold my arms and stay silent at the crowd screams "This is Awesome"

        Looking straight at Vickie, I speak, "Alright, Vince. I accept" I give a devilish grin as Vickie screams and throws a fit.

        Vince directs conversation toward Vickie now, "Vickie Guerrero... You are relieved of your duties, or in other words... you're fired!"

        "General Manager of both Raw and Smackdown? That's insane! Someone who actually knows how to lead" Seth exclaims, throwing a ball at the wall and catching it as it bounces back.

        I laugh, "I know. Now that I have this, I can find a way to get Kane where I want him" Dean stops what he's doing,

        "Oh no, Beks. I'm not letting you get near him again. Not without us and the Uso's there" Dean demands. Out of those words sparks an idea.

        I go out to the ring once again, this time as GM. "I have an idea for tonight's main event. If you go to the WWE app, there is a poll. This poll with let the WWE Universe decipher Kane's fate tonight." The tron brings up a picture of the poll and I continue. "You choose who will face Kane in the main event. Option 1 is The Shield, Option 2 is the Uso's, and option 3 is The Shield and the Uso's in a 6-on-1 handicap-Chicago Street Fight match" The crowd screams as they pull out their phones to start voting. I know exactly where this is going, and I like it.

        "Now, we will view the polling results for the main event. Will Kane face The Shield, The Uso's, or both in a handicap- Chicago Street Fight match?" The drumroll plays as we wait for the results. I knew it. The Shield - 5%, Uso's - 2%, Both - 93%. I slide out of the ring and search under the ring as my teammates make their way out. Finally, Kane comes out and we get going. I look over and everyone had a weapon. I had a kendo stick, Dean had a trashcan, Rome had a bag full of tacks, Seth had a chair, Jey had a baseball bat, and Jimmy had a fire extinguisher. The bell rang and we all attacked. I felt mild satisfaction from seeing the man who has caused myself and my family so much pain get triple-powerbombed into a million tacks. Kane was out cold, but I wasn't going to stop. I took the chair from Seth and held it up for the crowd to see. I had the guys drag Kane where I needed him and I gently locked the chair on his neck. I climbed the rope and aimed my feet straight at the end of the chair, causing it to close forcefully onto the throat of the big red asshat. I quickly went to pin.



        3! The bell rang and we all held each other's arms up as the EMT's took Kane away.

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