Chapter 29: Showdown

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But such happiness had grown scare at Will's home. Once he realised pretending​ to like Sarah had hurt Augustus, he wasn't sure what else to do. And he was getting sick of his parents renewed berating. He eventually went neutral. He wasn't defiant, but he wasn't exactly cooperating with them.

Uncle Deus was visiting one afternoon, so just before dinner, Will was up in his room, grabbing another book about Ancient Greece to discuss later. But his excitement was quickly ruined.

"You mother and I are once again disappointed with your refusals."

Francis's familiar, lecturing tone cut into Will's concentration.

Will stood motionless, staring into his mirror, book in hand. He refused to turn and face him.

"You cannot," Francis lumbered forward as he spoke. "seriously still be humoring these childish fantasies of living any way you want."

With each heavy footstep, Will's resolve to ignore him grew stronger. "Especially without regards to others."

"What would you prefer to do?" Francis asked, staring Will down.

"Ignore your responsibilities, reject your own family" --Will grinded his teeth until his jaw hurt-- "turn your back on society and off with him, indulging your deviances?"

Not facing his father directly somehow made Will bolder.

His voice rose to a light, patronizing tone. "That wouldn't give you any grandchildren, now would it?"

His father's thick hand gripped onto his shoulder, fingers pressing against his collarbone.

He pulled Will around to face him so hard that the rest of his body had to move or he'd lose his balance.

His eyes flashed with an uncontrollable fury Will was so used to by now.

"This is not a game!" he grunted. "We have expectations for you."

Will forcefully yanked his paw off, pushing his father's arm away from his body. He didn't deserve to be lectured like a schoolboy. He was a man, not a child. This was a challenge, not a stern talking-to.

He had to choose his words carefully and be as aggressive as his father was. He glared suspiciously at Francis, sizing him up.

"You told me to 'go off and form my destiny,' and 'lead my own life'. That's exactly what I'm doing. Isn't that what you said?"

"Yes, but I expected you to have at least some morals!" Francis yelled, throwing up his hands. "Do you truly think what you've done is right?!"

"I thought I was a man now!" Will shot back.

"So did I." Francis growled.

He swiftly turned away, stomping his way to the door and slammed it shut behind him.

Will threw his book at the floor, frustrated. He sighed, aggravated.

"Why do I bother." he grunted to himself as he grabbed the book off the floor.

When he leaned back up, he looked out his window. His eyes travelled as thick clouds slowly moved in, darkening the horizon.


An hour later Augustus, Uncle Deus & Will had settled down in the Music room, quietly discussing the new books they'd been reading after dinner.

It had been a rather tense meal; as Will had spent half the time glaring at his father, who largely ignored him.

Lily was hunched over a nearby desk, covertly working on another round of secret accounting work Mr. Collins had sent her. The evening was slowly fading into twilight. The nearby fireplace had a hearty glow, the flames wrapping their way around a thick log, crackling here and there.

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