Chapter 21: Scapegrace

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Despite their tense evening, Will was soon content again.

One night in late June, he went looking for Augustus as he told him he'd meet him by the garden out back, at 'Darkmans'.

Will exited the house and just as he felt a flutter of warm, pleasant summer air, he stopped short in surprise.

A path lit with several candles stretched from the back door, leading to the right corner of the garden. And there was Augustus with a large basket, patiently waiting.

The sun had already set and a quiet chorus of crickets gave the twilight of early summer a romantic, magical quality.

Will stood motionless, delighted as Augustus bounded up to him and grasped his hand.

"What's all this?" Will asked as they approached, his eyes sparkling in candlelight.

"Well," he teased, "I'd say three months together is worth celebrating so I made us a picnic."

"Ohhh," Will purred with delight, settling down on the large white cloth among the lush grass. "You remembered."

"Of course I did." Augustus replied, beaming. He bent down and kissed Will's hand.

"I got a little something too."

A fancy champagne bottle appeared from the basket, now glinting in the candlelight.

"Your parents won't miss it." Augustus quipped mischievously.

They ate their meal and then broke out the champagne.

"I propose a toast." Will announced, sitting up, glass in hand. "A toast to us. Three months and I'm just so grateful we have each other. Nothing makes me happier than you."

Augustus smiled and toasted. "To us. I can't imagine being this happy with anyone else." They clinked glasses and drank.

Augustus leaned in and Will was quickly captivated by sweet, sticky lips, tasting equal parts champagne and freedom.

Augustus curled up against Will as they now laid quietly, gazing at the dark velvety sky. It was miles away, yet felt intimately close.

"Can you believe my Uncle studies all these stars?" Will absentmindedly asked, burying his head on Augustus's chest.

"A lot to keep track of. I know they have some constellations, but look at all those little loose ones."

Augustus replied, pointing at the tiny glittering specks.

"Yeah." Will agreed, breathing quietly and gently stroking his hand.

And there they laid for another half hour, in a dreamy, loosened clasp.

Augustus was gentle, slow with his touch but after some time, he wanted to be more cozy. He wrapped an arm around Will's waist, pulling him closer. His fingers idly grazed the smooth fabric of his dark green vest.

Will felt like no one and nothing else existed now, just them, just at this moment, just in this miniature paradise.

Sometime after eleven, they went back upstairs, bringing the mostly empty champagne bottle with them to keep celebrating.

Once they got to their room, Augustus went to his side of the room and paused, watching Will as he got closer to their bed and put the champagne on a side table. He then grabbed Will, leapt on the bed and pounced on him, grinning.

His hair fell around them as they were nose to nose. They kissed fervidly and everything pleasantly tightened when Augustus tugged at his clothes, impatient.

Book I: Burnt Bliss [BoyxBoy]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt