Chapter 20: Double Standards

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A few days later, Will feared he was losing an important ally. He and Lily were unexpectedly arguing about his relationship with Augustus, after finishing more accounting work together in the Drawing room.

"I just haven't decided how I feel about it yet." she insisted, smoothing out the paper they'd just finished.

"What is there to decide?" he asked, replacing the top on his inkwell. He looked at her, nervous.

"It seems unnatural so...I don't know yet." she shrugged. Why was he asking this much of her? Yes, he was family. She admired her brother. They had always been friends.

But sex and morality were much more complicated than that, and it almost seemed like he wanted her to just brush off such a brazen deviance.

Frustrated, Will slammed a book on the desk shut. He looked up at his sister, scowling in annoyance. "You would be called that too."

"Excuse me?" she bit as she abruptly stood from her seat on the couch, clearly aggravated as she glared at Will. She wasn't used to fighting with him, but this was serious. "I have never done anything like th--"

"Many people would consider your logical abilities to be 'unnatural.'" he leaped up from his seat.

"That is the exact term they'd use. You're a woman. As far as they're concerned, your only 'natural' interests should be cooking, sewing, and marrying a complete stranger as fast as possible. After being prepared to be the perfect wife, you'll get married by the time you're my age. From then on, you should be 'naturally' inclined and happy to have lots of children and spend your life raising them, adhering to the latest fashions and managing your servants. But," he glared at her with a hand on his hip, "none of that sounds like you, now does it?"

"I--I..." she faltered, shrugging again. "...suppose not."

"But me marrying Sarah, 'taking the business', having lots of children myself, spending my entire life living exactly like Mother and Father, that doesn't sound like me either, now does it?"

"This is completely different!" she protested.

"How?" he cried, throwing up his hands in fury. "Explain to me how it's different." he continued to glare at her, folding his arms in front of him.

"I have an ability that I'm supposed to waste to fit their mold. I'm good at something and they won't allow me to do it. Mine is unfair. Yours is about morality."

Her jaw dropped when he looked offended. "Will, for God's sake! You--you and he--"

"I know!" he yelled, slamming a fist on the desk. "I know, all right?! You don't think I feel badly enough about this yet?" he yelled, stalking closer to her.

"Do you know how miserable it makes me to feel this guilty all the time? Do you know how scared I am of them finding out? I have no idea what they would do to me!"

She couldn't think of anything to say. She awkwardly shrugged, uncertain how to respond.

"And how would they treat Augustus, hmm? We don't know what they would do to him, either. Let alone what his parents might have to say about it. And you honestly think this is easier than your predicament?"

Her eyes widened. "You don't expect me to accept this right away, do you?!"


This was Lily.

Lily, who had said to not apologise.

Lily, who had always been his friend.

Lily, who said it was all right...

Book I: Burnt Bliss [BoyxBoy]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin