Chapter 33: Last Chances

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By that night, Will was completely hopeless. It was nearly over, and​ as far as he could imagine, they were done for.

He felt like it was entirely his fault. He did all he could to not let Augustus take the fall, including taking all the blame himself. He hadn't meant to burst out in front of everyone yesterday. And if he hadn't done that, Augustus wouldn't have just offered up his life to save him!

That damn lawyer was torturing him yesterday. It was a clear indication of how he deserved to be treated now. No one objected to him reading something so personal aloud.

As he thought about their mistreatment, this reminded him that he presently had no idea why his parents let him come back with them. He thought he'd heard them mumble something about 'getting his things in order'.

The house was dark and quite as the Garnetts approached. Mary had left with her parents from the courthouse and Elizabeth had been asleep at home for hours.

As he grudging went upstairs, Lily spoke, pulling him aside. "Will, I know things haven't been easy, but would you come here for a moment? Please?"

He sighed and silently obeyed, following her to her room.

"I know you said you didn't want to talk to me." she explained as they headed down the hall. "I understand you were angry. But I think I have something that will make you feel much better." she said, pulling him into her room and closing the door.

He obliged, but still didn't say a word. He folded his arms in front of him.

"Here." she offered him the large overnight bag she'd used staying in town. "Have a look in my bag. I think you'll find something you need."

Uncertain of what he was looking for, he accepted the bag and had to dig around her other belongings for a moment until he found something wide and rectangular. His heart leaped with hope, and he pulled it out triumphantly--his journal! Back at last; so much time since he was able to hold and it keep it as his own!

He looked up, eyes wide in surprise: "Lily," he nearly whispered, "Thank you! But, how did you get this?"

"When everyone started fighting, I took the opportunity to snatch it away because I know how much you miss it. What they did to you was awful. Neither of you deserve that. I'm sorry...for everything. It's not right for me to judge you! Either of you!" she cried as she clung to Will, sobbing against his shoulder.

"I forgive you." he assured her, squeezing her tightly. Lily had always been his friend and he knew now their friendship had been tested, not broken.

The two finally parted, and Will took a shuddering, deep breath. "I need to help him, but I don't really know what I'm doing. You probably didn't hear him, but he spoke to me in secret--he's going to try and escape and meet me in the woods. If he makes it, maybe we'll go somewhere; may--maybe we can stay with Uncle Deus for a little while. I haven't figured very much out yet. I have a lot to think about." 

Will paused as a dozen questions taunted him, submerging him into an anxious mental spiral, his doubts growing stronger and stronger as he tried to think of a plausible way out. 

Lily broke his concentration, alarmed by his gloomy expression. "Will...I took something else." she dove into her bag. And there it was: a wadded-up bundle of parchments.

"Lily." he was so confused. "What is all this?"

"Open it." she gently said.

He untangled the bunch and saw writing that looked foreign, yet somehow recognizable. He looked up, bewildered.

She gulped in worry, but her eyes blazed with confidence. "Your evidence."

"Wait--what?" his eyes blurred as they traced along the page....yes, they were his own words. His heart pounded. He was speechless.

"Come here." she said, gesturing for him and the papers.

"I don't think I have all of them, but now..." she tossed the massive wad of paper into her roaring fireplace. "Neither do they."

Will stood, transfixed. The copy of his own blissful memories used against him smoldered vigorously. This tainted version was now being destroyed, no longer to exist. The burnt bliss faded into ashes of relief. It matched the light feeling radiating through him. The evidence was gone and he had the perfect, real version back, all thanks to his sister!

"Oh my God...Lily!" he embraced her again, immediately overjoyed. "You are one of the bravest people I've ever known. I'm sorry I was so awful. I shouldn't have doubted you." he was astonished: she had just broken the law--all for him to be with Augustus.

He once again took her into his arms, a tightened clasp. He wept, and for the first time in weeks, they were tears of joy. After long, sweet moments of just holding her, Will stood back and regained his composure.

"Hey." he suddenly realised in a daze. "It worked, I do feel much better."

Lily just smiled. "If they don't have evidence, maybe they can't make a conviction."

He leaned over and kissed her cheek, looking at her lovingly. "Thank you Lily-pad. I love you so much."

"Of course. I love you too. Good night."

He knew he had to do something. He couldn't let Augustus get hurt, and he definitely couldn't stay here. There weren't many things keeping him here. His sisters would be the only things he'd miss. His parents had ruined virtually everything else.

He didn't want to stay anyway. He felt guilty to leave the girls, but knew if he kept in touch with Lily, she'd share it with Elizabeth so they wouldn't feel totally abandoned. It was comforting to remember his sisters still loved him.

But his mood hardened as he thought about all the struggles Lily would have to deal with alone as he came back to his room for the first time in days. He was suddenly angry again. He shoved his copy of Symposium on the floor and the book flew open, with a slim folded-up piece of paper stuffed in near the end of the book. After being separated by his mother, they'd never had a chance to finish the book. He looked at the paper curiously and unfolded it.

12 July 1666

My dearest William,

By the time you read this, I'm certain your mother has done something extreme to you for your personal going-ons. I made sure to not tell you lest I promote fear or anxiety, but she had her suspicions for much longer than you most likely realised. She's smarter and more perceptive than she lets on and tends to use it to her ad-vantage as need be. She's always been that way.

In any case, I am writing that I've recently been awarded a Fellowship from my associates at the Royal Society. I have been granted Promissory Notes for travell and research. Augustus has inspired me to put consider-able amounts of it into medical research, to ease the plight of so manye.

I am not planning to leave London until September, staying at my usual haunts until then. I would like to ask you to come stay with me, and bring Augustus as well. My approval to leave will be at the latest, the first week of September but could be as soon as late August.

I am appall'd by your mothers' attitude and disgusted with your father. As you hopefully should, you'll read this long before I leave. In such a case, per-haps you both visite me until I do plan on leaving: days, wekes or months, for all I care. At that time if you'd like...just come with me. Both of you stay with me, leave them yet alone as they have selfishly left you to your own devices by now, I'm sure. Both of your presence would be my honour.

Every love,

Uncle Deus

P.S. - In the case you find this rather late, have a look at the back. This is as definite of an agenda as I have thus far. After being gone for a weke, I'll be by Oxford or further West.

Hoping to see you both very soon.

Will was amazed. He had hope, and knew all he needed now was Augustus.

There was just one problem: he had no idea where his Uncle would be by now. He wasn't at the trial; and may have left the city by now. Ever since his parents had rejected him, they didn't have recent correspondence with him, and with his travel plans, there was no current address.

Will looked at the back, and made a plan.

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