Eighteen And Helpless

Start from the beginning


Buffy nodded sharply, her pencil at the ready "Ready."

Stefan moved to ask the next question only to grumble in annoyance as the vampire they had been waiting to rise finally popped his head out of the grave.

"You're up."

Buffy grumbled in annoyance before jumping up to her feet, in one swift movement she flipped over the grave and drove her number 2 pencil into the newly turned vampire's chest.

As he combusted to dust Buffy turned back to Stefan "I broke my number 2 pencil."

"On it." Stefan had assumed this would happen, Buffy never lasted long when it came to pencils. She either snapped them without meaning to or killed something with them.

Just as he tossed her another pencil he frowned as he spotted an incoming call from Caroline on his phone.

"Caroline hey-"

"Stefan give the phone to Buffy! I know she puts her phone on silent when she patrols but this is a BBF emergency so I swear if you do not give her the phone this instant I will team up with the forest animals and end you!!"

Stefan sputtered in disbelief as Caroline started swearing and threatening him in French.

Turning to his girlfriend he quickly tossed her the phone too terrified to risk arguing with Caroline.

"It's Caroline, something about a friend emergency."

Buffy giggled softly at the pale look on his face "She started swearing in French didn't she?" When he nodded unable to form words she giggled in amusement before finally bringing the phone to her years.

"Hey Care, what's up?"

"Tyler kissed me!!!"

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In the space of 24 hours, both Matt and Tyler had kissed Caroline.

It was safe to say, Caroline was completely wigging it out. She had broken up with Matt to keep him safe but was still in love with him yet over the past few weeks she and Tyler had grown closer.

Him turning around and kissing her, had sent Caroline's mind through a panicked loop.

Hence why, once Stefan and Buffy were done with patrol, Caroline had shown up and practically kidnapped her.

Given she was determined to avoid The Grill and Matt by extension, the two girls had found a cute little cocktail bar in Whitmore.

Caroline had compelled them a booth and some drinks. Fancy cocktails that Caroline was downing one after the other at a rapid pace.

Hence, how she was already on her four cosmopolitan, while Buffy was still nursing her first.

"Caroline, stop focusing on the kiss. Of course, Tyler would kiss you, you're amazing for one and you have been his one constant since he triggered his curse."

When you spend as much time together as Caroline and Tyler had, feelings could start to change. Especially, when it came to something as intense as the first werewolf transition where Tyler had literally been forced to break every bone in his body.

Caroline had been his anchor through all the pain.

Caroline sighed before dropping her head onto the table. She just felt so confused about the whole situation "I just...people need to stop kissing me!"

"So I take it I shouldn't try and kiss you right now?" Buffy teased only to laugh as Caroline shot her a small glare before tossing some of the fries sitting between them at Buffy's face.

Buffy laughed before reaching out and squeezing Caroline's hand "Okay, let me ask...do you have feelings for Tyler?"

There was a slight hesitation before Caroline quickly shook her head "I love Matt."

While Buffy knew she believed everything she said, she also noted the slight hesitation. It was almost like Caroline was trying to bury any idea of feelings for Tyler.

"You need to talk to Tyler." Buffy told her before turning to the waitress and signaling for two more drinks. She had a feeling Caroline needed them.

"I know." Caroline grumbled as she downed her drink before pushing her hair out of her face "And I will. Thank you for letting me vent."

"Love triangles need a vent person on the side." 

Caroline let out a loud laugh before her eyes widened in excitement as she spotted the clock on the wall hitting midnight.

Immediately, she squealed in excitement and jumped up from her seat clapping her hands together.

Buffy frowned as Caroline suddenly pulled out a plastic pink tiara from her bag, placing it right on her head.

"Care..." Buffy tried to pull the tiara off her head only to jump as Caroline miraculously pulled a party blower from her pocket, a loud honk escaping as she blew into it.

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