Chapter XXIV: Bite Me

Começar do início

Strike one: Dirty room.

Michael suddenly picked me up and tossed me on his unmade bed. I let out a small squeel of surprise. He climbed on the bed after me and, again, stuck his tongue down my throat. His hands explored my body, gripping my breasts, ass, and even between my legs a few times. It felt like I was being molested, not getting ready to do the dirty. His hot mouth went to my neck where he started to suck and bite. That was the only thing he was doing that felt good. It felt almost familiar.

"Again." I breathed.

He bit down my neck before yanking off my shirt harshly and throwing it. He went back to tonguing my mouth.

"Bite me." I ordered softly.

"Are you masocistic?" He asked.

Was I? I had never thought about it before. "Possibly."

He shrugged and went on biting me. It really was the only thing he was doing that got me as hot as I knew he was. I could feel his hardness rubbing against my thigh. That hard already? Looks like he was going to finish before I could get past the pain of losing my v-card.

Strike two: Early ejaculation.

I pulled his shirt over his head and he took it off the rest of the way. He slid off my pants and then his. He started touching the spot between my legs in a way that didn't feel good. It was actually annoying. He started kicking off his boxers, but I stopped him, laughing.

"What?" He asked.

I pushed him off of me and started to gather my clothes. I redressed myself, trying not to die. I can't believe this.

"Why are you leaving?" He demanded, getting up.

"Strike three: Small penis." I said out loud.

His face turned red. "I wasn't complaining about your small tits."

"Dude, I have D's."

I left his house, still laughing. He didn't even bother to leave his room. Today was horrible. I had crushed on Michael since eighth grade only to find out his package was small. He started getting me hot and bothered, and now I was left unsaticfied. Great.

When I walked through the front door at home, I heard Dad gag. His eyes widdened in horror snd he shot to his feet. "I'm going to go throw up... or pray. Or both." He left the room, slamming the door to his room behind him.

Mom came out of the kitchen, cleaning supplies in hand. She rushed passed me. "Honey, don't breath in the smell." She put everything in the hall closet and wiped her hands on a rag before throwing it in the laundry room. "How did the studying go? Do you think you'll pass your test?"

"I hope so." I said.

"Oh! I almost forgot, a couple friends of your called while you were gone and said they were stopping by." She told me.

As if it were planned, the door bell rang. I turned around and opened it. Kes and Erin were standing there. Their noses wrinked slightly before going back to normal. It happened so fast, I brushed it off as my imagination.

"Hey, guys." I greeted them.

"Hello, may we come in?" Kes asked politely.

Erin pushed passed me and plopped down on the couch. She jumped right back up when my mom came from the back of the house. "Mrs. Sin." She lowered her head. It seemed like she was talking to royalty or something.

"Erin, it's nice to finally meet you." She shook her hand, making Erin look like she was about to have a heartattack. She walked over to Kes and did the same thing. Kes had the same reaction. "I'll leave you girls alone." Mom turned to me. "Your father and I are going to visit your grandfather. We'll be back in an hour or so."

Dad speed walked out of his room, waved at the girls and went out to his truck. Mom kissed my  cheek and joined him. I waited until they were driving away to close the door.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked, sitting on dad's chair.

They were on the couch, looking around at everything. It was like they were afraid to touch anything. When I offered them something to eat, they declined before I even finished my question.

"Just wanted to hang out. We had nothing to do." Kes said.

Erin pretended like she hadn't even spoken. "There is are two new people coming to school tomorrow."

"Who?" I wondered. "We usually don't get new kids here. You two and Toby are the most we have gotten in a few years."

"The girl's name is Raelande Jo. She used to go to the same school we did." Kes said. "She has light brown and blonde hair and blue eyes. Her face is sprinkled with freckles and she is just as loud and sarcastic as Erin."

"You sound like a dictionary." I told her.

Erin snorted. "No kidding. Try growing up with that."

"Anyway, who is the other one?"

"His name is Luke. He also went to our school." Erin said.

Kes started to describe him, but I stopped her. "I'll find out what he looks like."

They looked at each other with knowing expressions that confused me. I ignored them, for the sake of my half asleep brain. Kes babbled on about wierd things she noticed about the people at our school. Erin repeatedly told her to stop talking, but she didn't. Erin grabbed a pillow and burried her face in it. She let out and frustraded scream. The pillow hardly muffled it. I massaged my temples as a headache started to spider web itself in my head. Kes paniced and started telling me things to do to get rid of it. I drew the line when she told me I should chew on some blades of grass.

"Stop being stubborn." Kes said.

"Bite me!" I snapped, making Erin crack up.

She apperently loved conflict.


The next chapter is a tear bringer, so get some tissues ready!!!


In My MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora