Nothing's Safe [Part Two]...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

Start from the beginning

Before he could yell at me the electricity in the house flickered. It flickered on and off, Dean jumped out of the chair as him and Sam raised their guns.

“Hey, Hey, go easy you Idgits.” A familiar voice said. Dean rolled his eyes, lowering the gun and Sam did the same. I turned around on the couch, leaning against the back as I faced Bobby.

“Hey Bobby,” Breanna said, with a pleasant smile.

“Yea,” I said with a small smirk, “Long time, no ghost.” Although I was frustrated that he had scared the crap out of us, it was still nice seeing him. This was the same guy who had patched me up a couple of times, plus he always had a decent collection of books to scope out when I was healing up. He truly did earn the title uncle Bobby.

“Sorry for the jump scare,” He apologized looking sympathetically at us.

Dean sighed, all he did was touch the flask and take off the cap. “Is it going to be like this every time, I take the cap off and you just genie your way out?”

“I wish it were that easy.” Bobby said, raising his hands in defeat. “The thing is—” Then his body flickered and he disappeared.

“Uh, Bobby? You’re invisible again.” I said, hoping he would reappear.

We began to look around, “Bobby?” Sam called.

He reappeared again, and we sighed, this was going to be difficult. Bobby might have some vital information for us, yet he’d be unable to give it to us because of his disappearing act.

Bobby was getting irritated too, “Damn it,” He sighed, “It’s hard to stay focused I’m still kinda worn out.”

Dean raised his eyebrows, “You’ve been pretty busy for a dead guy.” I nodded in agreement.

Bobby shook his head, speaking quickly, “All right, all right, I don’t know how long till I’m gonna have my next ghost nap, so lets cut to the skinny, you remember the numbers I gave you?”

How could Dean and Sam have forgotten, those were the last things Bobby gave them before he died, it was supposed to be intel on the Leviathans. It was map coordinates for an area in Wisconsin.

“Uh yeah the empty lot in Cheesville.” Dean commented.

“Yeah well it ain’t gonna be empty for long, I got a gander at Dicks big plan before he Lincolned me. They’re breaking ground…what month is this?”

“April…why?” I asked, looking at him curiously. It still bothered me, I had left my Michigan in the warmer months, yet when I arrived where Sam and Dean were at, we had to deal with winter all over again. For the same year. I sighed, space and time travel would never, ever make sense to me.

So for the year of twenty twelve me and Breanna got to endure two February s, two Marchs, and two Aprils…so on so forth. You get the idea.

“Ground broke then,” Bobby said, saying they had began to build there. “They’ve already started building check it out for yourself.” Bobby said, motioning to the computer. “Its alright you missed it, you guys have been kinda busy killing ghosts. But Dick is about to get into the soylent green business.”

Breanna began clicking her fingers across the keyboard. She paused, on the correct website. We all began to peek over her shoulder with interest.

Bobby continued, “That site’ll show you that they’re building a biotech lab, right?” He said. And I nodded. “Biotech my ass,” He answers, “That sucker, is a state of the art slaughterhouse and we’re the beef.”

“Yea,” I nodded, realizing what this meant. “It’s just like in Michigan all over again. We ran across that herd that they had given some chemical formula that would have killed humans if we ate it.”

I failed to point out it might not have killed me if I ate it since I was an Interloper, and my powers just seemed to keep popping up out of nowhere. Plus in my own sense, I did feel human. That herd of cattle certainly didn’t think so, they veered and ran whenever they caught my scent, and I still felt horrible for what me and Dean had done to them. Although they had looked like a perfectly healthy heard of cattle, they were probably contaminated. So they had to be taken care of, rifle style. Breanna’s eyes fell, not liking the fact we had to kill off the herd, “That’s why Dick is so into agriculture, it’s because he’s so into eating.”

“Yeah people,” Dean scoffed.

“Don’t you think that’s a little bold even for Dick?” Sam asked us, looking at Bobby.

Bobby shook his head, “I betcha no one will even notice ‘cause first he’s gonna dumb us all down with Turducken-style munchies, make us docile. It’s in the meat.”

“Damn it,” I said enraged, “I’m going to have to go vegetarian aren’t I?”

“Sure looking that way.” Breanna said.

I guess I’d rather starve than be some dumbed down, drugged induced zombie. There was a chance I wouldn’t be affected by it since I was an interloper, but that was not a chance I could afford to take. I sighed, “Okay. So we only have to worry about eating at a couple restaurants right? The rest are safe?”

Bobby shook his head, “The restaurants he’s bought is ten pages long.” Great, so I couldn’t eat meat anywhere is pretty much what he was telling me.

“Next he’s gonna cure us,”

“Oh my god,” Breanna’s eyes widened, “Its just like that one Leviathan said, the one that helped us kill his boss because she was a jerk. He said they were going to make a research center, remember?”

I nodded, remembering that “sweet talking” Leviathan, I didn’t regret chopping off her head for a second.  That’s right, “They’ll cure us of cancer and stuff like that so the population will boom, and so will their one major food resource. If we’re healthy, they thrive.” I suppressed a shudder, this was getting a little too real you ask me. It reminded me too much of my agriculture class, where they cured numerous diseases in livestock so it wasn’t tainting the meat.

“They aren’t hunting anymore—they are engineering the perfect meat. Now we have gone up against many that like to eat a few folks in the woods, but this isn’t anything like that. This is about knocking us off the top of the food chain. This is about them Levi’s living here forever, while we march our dopey asses down to the shiny new death camps at every corner.” Bobby explained.

Everyone was quiet, now that the Leviathan’s plan was on the table, the odds didn’t look to “be ever in our favor” at all. They had politicians, money, meat markets and…did I say politicians?

We had some trigger happy hunters, a few scams working for us so we had enough money to eat and pay for our travels, then a demon whore (Meg) on our side and me.

“Oh god,” I said looking at Sam and Dean, “Looks like we’re gonna need all the help we can get.”


Fingers clicked across a keyboard, while she tucked a strand of bright red hair behind her ears. She had the hardware, and she had the brains, all she needed to do was decrypt it all.

 It was her job.

This was her life.


In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now