Issue #68: The Paths Taken...A Supernatural TLN Sequel

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm back for finish this story and see it through to the end. There is a video called In the Life Afterword...a Supernatural TLN Sequel I have posted for the chapter but I'm telling you the title in case its making you watch it on Youtube. Please read the additional Author's note at the end after completing this story. Thank you. :)


The fireplace crackled gently, bringing some life to the long quiet. Neither party knew what to say, although they both had many questions, they didn't know where to start. "So tell me..." The young man said casually. "How did you end up here?" Her face was hidden by a hood, a small frown forming on the young woman's lips. With a clink as she set the tea down on the table and the young man watched as tears fell freely down her face as she spoke. The walls echoed her soft voice, as she told her story.


Having the items assembled Hope, Breanna, Sam, Dean, Meg and Castiel had set off to find the Leviathan, Dick Roman to take him down. Hope figured that their best bet was stealth, and it was something everyone easily agreed on. When Crowley had given them the final pieces necessary for the blood, his only comments to Sam and Dean was that Hope would be nothing but a pesky little daemon. Those words ignored, Sam and Dean took the blood of Crowley, preparing it with the other items, one of which being the bone of a saint. Without Kevin helping them, they wouldn't have known to do these things. The blood and other items were to be bathed in it, but other matters had to be taken care of as well. Bobby was out possessing a woman, attempting to kill Dick Roman with his supernatural strength. Had Sam not talked Bobby out of it, the group feared that he would have gone complete and vengeful spirit. Part of Hope wondered if that would have been that bad...if it would have taken down Dick Roman...wouldn't it have been worth it? Couldn't they just keep Bobby around as help for awhile, instead of sending him away, and forcing him to pass on? Dean said no...and Sam said no...and Breanna asked why.

Sam spoke, saying, "The problem with vengeful spirits, is they are never calm, and will never rest, they'd only spend the rest of their time undead, angry and hurt." "Eventually even a ghost like Bobby would stop bringing justice and start bringing pain because he'd never be able to rest." This was something Bobby knew, and even he agreed at that point, he should pass on to the next life before anyone else got hurt, although he wanted nothing more than Dick Roman to pay, he knew it was time, and that woman he possessed had been hurt because of him. He didn't want to hurt anymore innocent. So he left. The action began the day that they tried to kill Dick Roman. Meg had created the distraction, as Hope, Dean and Sam snuck into the place, attempting to kill Roman. What they hadn't expected, was for there to be so many look a likes. The Leviathan had created copies, to ensure that he'd be safer, though not caring if his insubordinates now had targets on their backs because of it. Castiel was in the building to tell them which one was the real Leviathan, having the Sight that the others did not, and he could see the differences between them and the real one they were trying to kill. Breanna stayed in the van, a few tricks picked up on from Charlie, as she monitored the cameras and informed them of oncoming Leviathans their way.


Hope turned away from the scene, her eyes focused on Dean and Sam. She couldn't let anything happen to either of them. They had both sacrificed so much their whole lives. Couldn't they just for once catch a break, and be able to live a normal life? She had gripped the shoulder of a young Leviathan in her wolf form. Her fangs buried into its body, as it began a high pitched screech, quickly cut off as its head dropped to the floor. Sam kicked it into a closet, as the body laid limp on the floor. Breanna watched overhead on the cameras as the russet wolf turned with a swish of her tail, shape shifting into her human form, spitting onto the floor. "Leviathans are disgusting," Hope muttered under her breath in disgust, wiping the creatures blood off her lips and onto her sleeve. "Breanna, how is the rest of this floor looking?" The response echoed in Hope's, Dean's and Sam's bluetooth's hooked up to their ears. "No more creeps on this floor." She retorted, her eyes following the screen, "Looks like we head to the next floor guys." Her keyboard clicked and clacked as she looked around at the camera's, briefly pausing as Hope's dog, Isis, came to rest her head in her lap. "There's two Roman's up on the next floor. One's surrounded by several Levi's, and the other just a handful. They're both on the complete opposite sides of the floor, and it'll only be so long before the Leviathan's come back upstairs from their distraction."

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now