Issue #36: Grievance...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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**Part of this chapter is a flashback...back to when she was with Dean and Sam...enjoy as always....** 

People died, this was a fact. Sadly a fact even I could not accept…even when I myself had died. I had known what was happening when I felt the blade sink into my back, and my heart beat to the close. I could only hope Bobby had not suffered too much.


I remembered Bobby too well. He was one of the best guys you could have around you. He had an interesting sense of humor, and even though it was like he became Uncle Bobby; not just some random old guy who liked to play with guns and drink his beer.


Back when I was in Sam and Dean's world, I had the crap beaten out of me my demons and ghosts alike. I had been stabbed in the shoulder by a demon, and had long trailing deep cuts down my legs. Needless to say, I needed stitches, and I was stuck at Bobby’s place and attempting to heal before they could remove those wretched stitches that were holding me together.


It was a sunny morning when I woke to muffled chatter out in Bobby’s den. I groaned and rolled over in the blue full sized sheets, wondering how long it’d be before Sam and Dean stopped pitying me and would begin fighting for the spare bedroom back. Hopefully not too soon, because I planned on never leaving this bed. I snuggled closer to the sheets enjoying it all. I heard pounding on the door, followed by Bobby's voice.

 “Yo, sunshine; time for breakfast, I’m not gonna bring it to ya on a platter. So ya come get it yourself before Dean does.” He did not like coming into the room because he was always afraid I wouldn’t be decent or something.

He reminded me of my dad. “Alright, I’m up!” I muffled—what I thought to be convincing—through the pillows. I heard him step away and back down the hall. Good, now I can stay here for just one more minute.

But then I smelled something that made my stomach rumble.


Damn, Dean and Sam both will be all over that if I don’t get to it soon.


I threw the covers off me, as I slid off the bed, swearing as the stitches on my ankle caught against my dark colored bedding. I kept telling myself that I’d feel better by the time lunch rolled around, and headed out into the kitchen.

Dean and Sam were lounging in the living room, both with their plates and the laptop set up on the coffee table. They had a show on, I smiled as I walked by…it looked like even this world had Naruto.

Bobby was scraping my eggs onto a plate. I watched him and continued to smile. It was like he was trying to be nice, I wonder if he felt bad for waking me up.

 “What are you so damn happy about?” He asked gruffly.

I shook my head, “You just…remind me so much of my dad.” I smiled sadly this time. Man I missed that guy.

I saw the smallest hint of a smile before Bobby cleared his throat, “Well don’t get used to it, next time you can get your own.”

 When I went out into the living room, I sank down in between Dean and Sam.


“Could you side with me on this!?” Sam pleaded, “I don’t want to sit back and watch cartoons with Dean.”

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now