Issue #47: Forgiveness...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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I shuddered, not bothering to move yet, or open my eyes. I could smell the dust, dander, and my own blood. My eyes I slowly forced open to a dark room, where the morning light was beginning to shine through I was laying on a blanket, and one had been lain carefully across me and a pillow tucked behind my head.

Should I move? Or shouldn’t I? Normally my curiosity would conquer all, but not so much today. My hand slid to my bandaged waist, where it pained me the most. Soon as I brushed it, it began to burn like fire. I wondered where Breanna and Isis were, they had gotten here before me. I shuddered again at the thought of something happening to them.

It was right then I heard stomping off to my right, coming from another room. I heard the jingling of metal, and was pleased to turn my head and see Isis trotting up to me. I extended my hand and scratched her behind her ear. She panted happily, grinning like a fool that she was. Then I heard boots across the floor.

“…So you’re up now…how are you feeling?” That voice, Dean. He walked up to me, then sat down onto the floor next to me.

“I’m feeling about as good as I look,” I half smiled. I tried pulling myself into a sitting position, but it was a failed attempt.

“Just take it easy okay?” Dean replied gruffly, and if he hadn’t gotten to my side and helped me I wouldn’t have been able to even lean against the wall.

I groaned as my abdomen began to shake in pain from the movement, “Dean I’ve really missed you,” I admitted.

“Yea, well me too.” He did a half smile and he pressed his lips against mine, being gentle, afraid he was going to injure me further. I leaned against him now, trying to ignore the pain as best as I could, gripping his shoulder to pull myself closer to him, and began kissing his neck. He pulled me closer, his hands pressed against my side, and I cried out. Instantly he let go,

“Dammit, I’m sorry.” He apologized and moved back.

I looked regretfully at my bandages, partly wishing I could take them and throw them out the window. It must’ve been difficult treating me while I was unconscious, although I was grateful that I didn’t get to feel the stitches, but now I was feeling them, every last one.

After I had gotten home a year ago the first thing I noticed was my regenerative rate was impressive. It seemed like they only gotten better as the daemon had adjusted and gotten used to being in my body. I was not normal, and it would be proven correct if anyone around me attempted to kill me or my friends. My instincts, or the the daemon Fangs kicked in.

As happy as I was to see him, I couldn’t help but ask, “Dean, what did you think the first time I shifted? Were you ready to kill me…like Amy?” I asked quietly.

Soon as I said that his eyes widened at her name, “Carver Edlund told me, back home.” I explained.

I saw his sadness, and part of me wished I hadn’t brought it up, but he could look into my eyes and see my sadness, I needed to know. “I don’t know—” Dean began slowly, “I didn’t want to have to make that decision—but if you would have stayed…I could never hurt you. Not even after that crap with Crowley, not even after last night. But Amy was a kitsune.”

“She never killed any ‘innocent’ person, only jerks that would have done more harm than good by living.” I argued.

Dean looked frustrated, “Do we really have to talk about this now?”

“I can’t think of a better time. This is between you and me.” And as of right now, I couldn’t hear Sam or Breanna in any of the nearby rooms. Hm…I wondered if they were outside.

Dean was silent, unable to speak out about what he did.

“Wow, I really screwed you up didn’t I?” I replied, “I guess I really am an Interloper then, going in and messing with things I should not.”

“Don’t talk like that.” He said, giving me a hard stare, before his eyes softened, “But you’re not the first—”

Monster?” I filled in.

“Shut up okay?” He said quietly. “You’re not the first that’s been good. When Sammy was becoming more and more physic it was hard to know what to do. He had the best interests at heart though,” Before he started drinking demon blood. I thought bitterly, even Sam’s not the best comparison to me, but I let him continue.

“I didn’t know how I was going to deal with that. I just didn’t know how to deal with someone like you either. But now that you’re back, I just don’t give a damn what you are.” With that he kissed me again, but on the neck this time, sending fire into my veins. I wanted to believe him so badly, but was it as simple as that? Perhaps it was.

As I began to kiss him back I heard the doorknob turn.

Someone was here.

I let out a low growl the same moment Isis did. Dean gripped my hands gently. “It’s Sam.” He explained, “I sent him out to get medicine, along with Breanna.”

Soon after Isis stopped growling as well, and sure enough it was them. Breanna had groceries piled up in her arms. Isis ran up to them happily, her nails clicking across the hardwood floor.

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now