After All These Years

Start from the beginning

"Wow, that's amazing" Mr Mellark says, Willow looks at him with a smile

"Thank you sir, I've been drawing for ages. I love it" she replies

"How long were you taking art classes?" He asks his student

"I don't take them" she answers which makes him freeze, this can't be what I think it is... he thinks to himself but he decides not to bring it up in front of everyone, he gives her a nod and then goes back to his desk, he goes through the photos in his computer of when he was in Willows age range and he can't believe it, as he looks at the picture of Katniss then at Willow they're almost identical except for Willows blue eyes that are so much similar to his own and so he's put the two and two together. After the bell goes he tells Willow to stay behind, when she's at his desk he gets a better look at her and can't believe how blue her eyes are

"May I ask what your mothers name is?" He asks her

"Yeah, my moms name is Katniss. Am I in trouble?" She frowns

"No! I just think you look a lot like your mom" he replies with a smile

"How do you know my mom?" She asks

"We went to school together" he says

"Really?! Then you might know my dad! My mom dated him in high school, they were like so in love but she said before she knew that I existed they broke up before my dad went to college, he went to... I think it was Mockingjay State College" she explains and Peeta feels his entire world spin ten times fast as the girl he's looking at is in fact his daughter

"Uh no-no I don't know him sorry, that's all I wanted you for. You're free to go" he replies, she then walks out thinking about how weird it was.... why did he look so pale when she told him about her mom and dad? But Willow just shrugged it off.


When Katniss gets home she smiles as she sees Willow already doing home work at the table, she shuts the door and looks through the mail that Willow got when she got home, just bills.... she kisses the top of her daughters head and goes into the kitchen to get some water

"How was your first day?" Katniss asks as she pours the water into her glass

"It was great! But it started off a bit weird" she replies which makes Katniss chuckle, Willow debates if she should tell her mother why but eventually she decides to

"Did you know anyone with the last name Mellark?" Willow asks, Katniss drops the glass that she just drank from, she curses under her breath, Willow comes running in and immediately helps her mother clean up

"Why do you ask?" Katniss finally asks

"Cause my art teacher says that he's known you since school. I asked him if he knew who my dad was"

"You what?! What'd he say?!" Katniss replies frantically

"That he didn't know him.... what's going on?" Willow says

"Nothing... go upstairs to clean up before dinner so I can clean this up" Katniss sighs, Willow frowns as she sees a cut on her moms hand but she goes upstairs not wanting to upset her mother anymore than she is, Willow goes upstairs and decides that whatever is going on with her mom is in that box and so she sneaks into her moms room, takes the box into her room and then shuts and locks the door, she places the box on her desk before taking a nearby bobby pin which she uses to pick the lock, all those times she was too young to understand but earlier today her friend Daniel explained how easy it was to pick locks with things like bobby pins and luckily it works, with a click the box is unlocked and when she opens it she gasps, it's a younger version of her mom next to a younger version of her new art teacher, her teacher is kissing her mom on her cheek, her mom in a pretty blue bikini and her art teacher in nothing but board shorts, she turns it over and reads the writing 'Peeta and I at the beach, Summer of 1999', there's many photos of them kissing and then at the bottom Willow finds a diary

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