Chapter 14

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Today in the studio it was actually almost impossible to take my eyes off of Avery.

Avery's irresistible scent and aura off confidence made me want to drop my camera and kiss her.

A few times, Cole caught me being distracted and raised and eyebrow before informing me of what I did wrong.

"Alright, that's a wrap!" Cole clapped his hand, taking a quick look at his watch.

"You're dismissed as well, Davis."
I let out a sigh of relief before taking apart one of the camera tripods. The lighting guy walked in to help me.

Cole stepped out of the room after a short while, because he was most likely needed somewhere important.

Avery smiled over at me, before leaving as well.

"Hey, so how long have you been working for Cole Anderson?" The lighting person next to me asked. A red backwards hat hung freely off of  his messy blonde hair.

"Not long." I wanted to hurry tidy up the place so I could get home soon.

"That's not very descriptive." He shrugged.

"Does it matter?" I asked, pulling my cellphone out of my pocket after feeling a vibration.

"I guess not." The boy nodded.

The message was from Avery.

"Sorry to cut this conversation short.. but I have somewhere to be right now." I glanced over to him quickly, before finishing up.

"It was great talking with you! The name is John. I'm Cole Anderson's nephew." He smiled. "Don't tell him I said that, though."

I looked back over to the boy once again. John looked almost nothing like Cole.

They had the same golden eye colour, but other then that.. their facial features had looked almost nothing alike.

John let out a low chuckle when he figured out what I was thinking. "Uncle Cole and my father have a different mother, but the same father."

"Interesting." I nodded, before walking to the frame of the moderate sized studio door, simply waving a goodbye.


A smile formed on my face after being hit by the soft cool breeze that blew past Avery and I, as our weight shifted freely on her motorcycle.

"Aren't you glad you didn't have to pay for a taxi this time?" Avery continued driving at a slow and comfortable pace.

I nodded happily, gazing away at the beautiful surroundings on the street. Everything was so much more noticeable this way. "Very much so, thank you!"

Avery let out a light chuckle, after pulling over into my apartment parking lot. "No problem."

I took off my helmet before handing it over to her.

She shook her head, and placed in my hands. "You can keep it. I have an extra one at home."

Avery glared over at me with a hint of something I couldn't indentify in her eyes.

She reached her hand up to me, and brushed a strand of hair from out of my hair.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Avery turned around, focusing her thoughts and attention on something else.

"Anyways, I have to go.." Avery said quietly, before starting up her bike again.

"What's wrong?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. It caused her to tense up.

"Nothing..." Avery forced out, there was a crack in her voice. "I just have somewhere important to be."


I didn't cause this, did I?

"You can tell me anythi-" She removed my hand from her shoulder.


"Alex, please..." Avery sighed. "I'll be back tomorrow okay?"

"Okay." I replied, before climbing off of the seat.

She turned to look back me once more, before lifting her feet unto the sides of the bike and driving off.

I wasn't even able to think twice before realizing that I had already missed her.

My feet trembled lightly, barely wanting to move an inch on the dirty grey pavement.

A few little children ran past me, and roughly brushing my shoulder, causing me to almost fall over.  

"You're excused." I mumbled, continuing to walk over to the apartments.

Once reaching inside of my apartment, I sat at my desk and turned on my laptop.

Throwing down my work bag off my shoulder, I pulled out my drawing tablet and began to sketch.

The sketch started with a basic structural skeleton of a random person As I begin to remove the guide lines, I added in the details.


The drawing was finally finished!

It was firstly bordered by dark thick, brush marks of smoke.

There was a crowd of people all standing around, wide-eyed at a beautiful looking building that had just been built.

A single little girl had not been interested in the building though.

She had been crying.

This building had obviously some story behind it.

A quite dark one..

Once I was completely happy with it  posted it on my art blog, and shut off my tablet.

My phone went off, making me snap my head back. I picked it up, and turned it on.

New Message From Avery <3 19:21

"I apologise about earlier.. are you busy tomorrow? -Avery <3"

"Don't worry about it! I should have free time tomorrow! It will be the weekend after all. -Me"

"Perfect! Can I come over? I'll cook us lunch too!. -Avery <3"

"Yeah, of course you can! My lunch better be great! -Me" I typed it in, laughing a little.

"I'm a pretty awesome cook. I can boil water without setting the house on fire. -Avery <3"

"That's pretty convincing... See you tomorrow! I'm going to go take a shower. -Me"

"You should have invited me over for a shower with you! Rude... -Avery <3"

"Avery! -Me" I covered my my red face, looking down at the text.

"I know, I know! I'm just joking with you :) Talk to you later! -Avery <3"


Thank you for reading!!

- アリ

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