Chapter 20

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Avery's POV

Alex was having another nightmare.

I knew automatically after feeling her tense up under my embrace.

Her breathing began to grow unsteady, as I heard her mumble a few inaudible, messy words were nearly impossible to understand.

"Alex?" I rubbed my eyes, making sure not to speak too loudly.

It pained me knowing that I wasn't the most gentle or sensitive person when it came to situations like these.

She was still asleep,  fighting with whatever she was dealing with in that dream, shaking uncontrollably... and I could barely do a thing to help.

"Alex, please wake up.." I practically pleaded, rubbing circles in her back.

Alex's breathing finally slowed down, as her light orchid eyes pierced through the dark, making their way over to mine.

"You're still up?" Alex asked, panting in between her words.

"I woke up a few minutes ago."I moved my hands down to my side, propping myself up against the wall.

I wasn't sure of what to ask her, because everything I could have said at this point might make the situation worse.

Alex's gaze wandered over to the small alarm clock on top of the dresser. "Half past six." She sat up, sitting on the edge of the mattress and checking her phone.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?"

"No." Alex shook her head, gliding her fingers across the small phone screen.

"Would you like to go get breakfast soon then? I'll get dressed first." I stretched, yawning as I pulled the blanket off of myself.

"That'd be nice! Thank you." Alex quickly glanced over to me, before looking back down at her device.

I swear if she's doing work already...

I didn't want to bother her by asking her, so I just picked my clothes out of my suitcase and made my way into the bathroom.

I pulled my loose fitting shirt off of my head, throwing the rest of my clothes down in a pile on the floor.

I groaned lightly, before slipping into the shower.

The cold water droplets landed on my head, wetting my hair in the process.


"Where should we go to eat?" I pulled Alex into me, and wrapped my arms around her, trying to catch a quick sneaky glance down at her phone.

"Definitely some place that sells food." Alex grinned, stuffing her phone in her pockets.

"Helpful." I yawned, kissing her cheek.

Her face turned bright red, and it was adorable.

"Okay.. how does IHOP sound then?" Alex sat up, turning around to face me.


A place that held a constant reminder of how freaking terrible of a person I am.

That girl probably hates me now, just like the rest of them..

Hopefully if we end up going there, I don't snap.




Ruin everything, simply because of how twisted up my mind is.

I never want Alex to see that side of me...

The Hooded Actress (GXG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora