Chapter 15

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The scent of fresh homemade pizza filled my nostrils as I watched Avery bring over the plates.

She placed them neatly on the table, along with two glasses of water.

I licked my lips eagerly awaiting the dish, and for Avery to sit down with me.

"You try it first." Avery smiled, taking a sip of water.

I picked up my slice of pizza and, it looked amazing...

The crust was made to the point where it wasn't really thin or thick, it was somewhere in the middle. Avery also hand-made the tomato sauce, which gave the pizza more of a rustic look to it. There was a good amount of cheese. The cheese and it was scattered messily on the face of the pizza

Avery coughed. "Hey.. I don't have to yell at a slice of pizza for trying to steal my girlfriend right?" She ended her sentence with a light chuckle.

"It depends on what I think after I try it." I shook my head, smirking playfully.

Avery rolled her eyes before, taking a bite of her slice.


"Lunch was pretty good! Thank you." I chimed, watching her sitting down next to me on the couch.

Avery half smiled. "What would your reaction to it have been if it was bad?"

"Well I would have told you that you need to up your cooking skill." I turned to look over to her. "Then offer to help you next time."

"I should have messed up the dish then, you're a pretty good instructor."

"Since when?"

"My circle drawing skills have raised increasing since that art lesson." Avery shot me a playful glare.

"I'm sure they are." I smiled, before reaching over to hold her hand.  "I can't wait until teaching you the next lesson.."

Avery and I both looked over to the front door, after hearing a faint knocking sound.

"I'll see who it is." I stood up, before shrugging, because I already knew who to expect.

I quickly unlocked the door, and sighed. "Didn't I already tell you I paid for this month?"

"What?" The person asked, making me realise it wasn't actually my landlord outside.

I swung open the door, ready to apologise, but instead I was left speechless.

It was my mother again, but this time she looked a lot different.

Her light purple eyes had looked a lot better, with less bags underneath them. She had also looked like she gained a little bit of weight since the last time I'd seen her.

Not much.

But enough to where she hadn't looked as dangerously small.

She wore a white button up blouse with a black sweater and a black pair of jeans. Her hair was pinned up.

"Alexandra." My mum placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You look better." I told her, not knowing what to say.

"I know I do." She placed a smile on her weary face.

"But again, why are you here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?"

"Well... I apologise for my behavior the last time we spoke. I was wondering if you'd let me make it up to you, by spending some time with me today..."

"For you to lecture me the whole time about being the reason that you and Dad fought? No way!" I answered, slightly rude with my response.

"No! It won't be anything like that. We could spend the time catching up! I have a lot of fun ideas and things planned."

"Well, maybe some other time. I'm busy right now."

There looked to be a be pang of something laced in her eyes, it looked a lot like pain.

"Why? Is your new lady friend more important that me? I saw her the last time I was here too! You could choose any day to be around her."

"Well yes, I can. But I'd much rather spend my time with her than with you."

My mother stepped inside the house, looking directly at me. "You... You're so ungrateful! I've done all of this to change myself to be a better mum for you, and this your reaction to me? Keep your girlfriend, and have fun. But don't come crying to me when she leaves your ass, because apparently I'm not a good enough parent for you."

She pulled something out of her purse, and threw it in the floor. "Take your money back too. It has helped me a lot, and I know for sure when I visit your sister she'll be happy to see me."

The door was slammed in my face, making me flinch.

"Alex, what the hell? Why did you push your mom away like that?" Avery asked in a calm, but slightly annoyed voice.

"S-She... I don't know... It just hurt a lot me seeing her." I balled up one of my fists lightly.

Avery sighed, and softened her tone. "Don't you think it hurt her too? I don't know what happened between the two of you, but I don't really think she deserved that."

"She didn't, not at that exact moment, but I don't know dawned over me. I didn't want to be angry."

"I could have left, you know? In fact I think you should go apologise to her."

Avery stood up and opened the door.

My mother had already gone.

How the woman managed to disappear so quickly? It was a mystery to me.

She peered outside, looking for the woman.

"She left... I would have spotted her right away if she hadn't." I sucked in a sharp breath, shifting my weight around on my heels.

Avery stepped back inside, and closed the door. "It's alright, then." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"The next time I see her... I'll try to make things right." I began talking more towards myself.

"I'll apologise for everything that I've probably put her through, along with what dad put her through."

Avery heard me, quite curious of what I was ranting about. Instead of asking, she rubbed my back lightly. "I'm sure it's okay. She should understand."


"I know for sure that today is gone for the most part, but I promise you that tomorrow is sure to come.. You'll have time to make it up to her." Avery gave me a look of sympathy.

"Okay..." I answered, quietly.

Soon enough, I felt myself crying once again. "Why... Am I so quick to tears now? I want to be stronger than this."

"That is exactly what you are, alright? You're stronger than I'll ever be." I felt Avery's arms wrapped around me, which made me feel a bit safer.


Avery smiled sadly, before closing her eyes and shaking her head.

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