Chapter 3

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You know.. I've always wondered how photographers felt when taking photo shots...

Well actually.... that's a lie, I haven't.

But, it's a lot less interesting than I expected it to be.

Before being able to do anything, I had to set up all the camera equipment Anderson had given me and figure out how to use them..

The first work order I was assigned to complete was to take a few pictures of various hair products. After about at least a hundred shots of them, I had to then work from the rough draft he had drawn up and create a proper image..

It came out quite well actually.

At the end of the day... the most surprising thing had happened...

The task had made me completely take back everything I thought about the job before.

My employer had explained my last photo shop was on a pretty well known model...

What he didn't say was that the model was actually.... Bailey Young.

As soon as she entered the room..... Followed by a few boring people... My jaw dropped.

She looked... about a million times more beautiful than I thought she would in person...

My legs grew wobbly, from the sudden pang of anxiety I felt being in the same room as her.

Her piercing deep green eyes glared over into my amethyst ones.

She had her light brown hair to one side of her shoulder.

Quickly looking away, before I made things completely awkward.. I cleared my throat and walked over to the camera equipment.

Bailey walked in front of the poster board after being instructed to, and smiled lightly.

After the lighting had hit her, my lips quivered.

"O-Okay, can you... move over a little this way?" I asked her lightly, so I could get the proper angle.

She nodded.

Finally after taking the perfect shots, I smiled looking at my camera.

A man on the left of her nodded. "Okay.. you're almost done.. Can you try striking a pose?"

Smiling... the model quickly turned to the side slightly, holding her hands above her waist confidently.

The camera flashed a few more times, until Anderson clapped.

"Alright, thank you." He nodded.

What is it with these people and nodding when they want something done?

The suited man quickly thanked  Anderson before leaving the room with Bailey, and his other crew of people.

"Okay, that is all for today." Anderson looked over to me.

"Oh.. okay!" I smiled lightly.


Purpose had once again start to surface, in what I had thought was my worthless life.

The job wasn't too bad, and it made me think about better about my future.

At least I know that I probably won't end up on the streets..

Unless I get fired.

My drawing pen moved gracefully across the face of my tablet, as I continued to smile at my sketch.

It was drawing of my mother.

A few silent tears found their way into my eyes.. and dripped unto my jeans.

I shakily held the drawing up, deciding not to delete the image.

My legs grew weak, as I stood up... Allowing my head to tilt towards the sky.

The thoughts I held lingered away from my past... back to earlier..

Then I realized that I forgot to get the grocery that I planned on getting yesterday.

"I really need to get a car.." I groaned, before placing my tablet unto a table and leaving the door.

My feet dragged lazily against the scorching hot pavement.

Luckily, there was a small Walmart not to far away from where I lived.


The two doubles doors slid open, allowing me to enter.

The store's atmosphere as always.. scared me slightly, because of the abundance of people shopping.

I pulled out a trolly from the row of them, and moved over to the aisles.

"Alright..." I looked down at my shopping list.

"Cereal, Sliced Bread, Milk, Eggs..."

I reached over and placed a box of Cheerios in trolly, followed by a box of cereal bars.


The last thing on the list was some yogurt.

It looked to be only one of my favourite flavours left, so I smiled that I was able to get it before anyone else did.

When walking over to the freezer, I was abruptly cut off when someone pushed me out of the way and grabbed it.

They had dark curly red hair, with hazel eyes. A beanie was placed over their head.

"Hey!" I tried not to yell. "Sorry to be rude or anything... But I was about to get that yogurt."

The person turned around angrily. "I guess you were too slow then. Because I wanted to buy this too."

"May I please..  just have that one?" My voice came out weaker than I intended for it to.

"Obviously not! Now can you move out of my way?!" They yelled.

"Oh... Uhh... Alright..." I stepped to the side, allowing them to leave.

A small child looked over to me and asked. "Why'd you let them push you over that? Don't be a wimp."

"That's... None of your business really. Haven't your parents told you not to talk to strangers?"

"Tsk." The kid looked at me annoyed. "If we aren't meant to talk with strangers how are we supposed to make friends? Not saying.. I'd want to make friends with you.. " He laughed. "But I'm just trying to help you out."

Man... This was a smart child...

They only looked to be about ten..

"Help me out?" I laughed, slightly amused.

"Yeah." He nodded. "My mum and dad, told me to not let anyone push me over. Cause then they'll just end up doing it a bunch of times."

Awhh... This kid was actually kind of adorable.

"Oh, well in the case. Thanks. That's some very good advice.."

The child smiled. "Anyways, I think my mum is calling me. Bye!" He waved, walking over to a slightly concerned parent.

Embarrassed, I sighed lightly. "I just let some ten year old tell me to defend my self. Oh man..."

"I'm eleven!" I heard a yell in the far distance of the store.

That made such a significant difference....

A/N- Thank you so much for reading this... I had put it off for a while until convincing myself to finish this chapter... I hope you enjoyed... <3

I will try my best to update this book daily, or at least once a week.

The Hooded Actress (GXG)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz