An ending; part 1

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I'm grounded and uploading this secretly. I'll be grounded for a while, so.... Sorry.

Anyways, have this in the meantime.

"You... Really don't remember me?" Prussia asked softly to Vash, who was watching Bernard jump down after Egil.

"No. Actually, I barely remembered anything when I woke up. Except that Alfred over there is really weird." Vash joked, pointing his gun over hos shoulder at Alfred, who gave a teasing glare back.

Gilbert swallowed thickly, nodding. He could see Liechtenstein from the corner of his eye start crying.

Taking a deep breath, Gilbert turned towards Egil, who was waiting for them to get into position. The Prussian had no weapon, but Vash didn't seem worried about that.

"Hey, do you know any magic by any chance?" Vash asked suddenly.

"No, why?"

Vash smirked. "No reason. Duck!"

Gilbert hit the ground as a two knives flew over their heads. Growling, he swung his fist at the second player, watching him dodge with ease before Vash began shooting.

Something odd was going on. Gilbert noticed both Vash and Egil purposefully avoiding hitting each other, and both of their eyes kept flickering to him.

This went on for longer than Gilbert would like to admit. He kept getting knocked down, a couple time by Vash, who was just teasing the other as he dodged every attack skillfully.

After the fifteenth time getting knocked down, Gilbert had enough.

He growled, before shooting up and nailing Egil straight in the mouth.

Egil looked shocked, giving Gilbert enough time to kick his feet out from under him.

Egil smiled, before flipping his patch up and watching Gilbert freeze. Vash, however, seemed unaffected.

"Aw, come on Egil. That's cheating." Vash said, before he shot the other man in the arm.

(Well that escalated quickly.)

Egil let out a wail, grabbing his arm and dropping his knife.

Okay, I'm starting to hate this new Vash. Gilbert thought, frowning as he found himself able to move once more.

Egil growled, before muttering an angry, "Alright, I surrender."

Vash grinned even wider, creeping Gilbert it even further. It looked so... Unnatural.

"Hm. Great, now-"

There was a crash as Bernard was thrown harshly into the wall of the arena, something that would have killed anyone normal.

The man coughed, struggling to stand as blood dribbled down his chin.

Gilbert's mouth dropped open. There was no way they could have beaten these 2ps so badly. They couldn't even beat the others, who seemed weaker, the first time around!

Something wasn't right.

Vash's grin disappeared in a flash  and suddenly he was holding a gun to Egil head.

Gilbert looked over to Alfred, who was doing the same to Bernard, with a very concerned Oliver standing by. Lukas and Berwald were also standing a little bit away, glaring down Thurston and Loki, who were still sitting by the throne, looking very pleased.

Err, well, Loki did.

Silence echoed around the arena, before Alfred spoke.

"We're done with your games, dude. Now answer honestly or you'll have a nation killing bullet straight through your head. What. Did. You. Do?"

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