A Cat

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Bernard crossed his arms as he watched Vash and Alfred go at it. Both were extremely skilled with any type of gun, but he had been trying to get them used to knives and swords, something they didn't seem to like. Now, however, he was letting them do target practice. Thurston was watching through a re-enforced window, as they doors had been locked.

"Two... one. Go." Bernard spoke.

Shots echoed around the room as the two competitor's shot mercilessly as the targets, each with a picture of one of the 1ps.

There was a shimmer, and Bernard gasped. Alfred/Allen snarled as he began to shoot more forcefully, but Bernard was staring at the weapon in his hands.

It wasn't the one Bernard gave him.

Instead, this one was made on an odd blackish metal, glinting an odd red as each bullet shot from the barrel. Targets sprung up around the room and the boys began to run, turning and shooting with expert movements.

Alfred's gun kept switching from Machine guns to rifles to pistols and back again as he shot every target.

Bernard turned to Vash/Voss, grinning as he saw the Swiss doing the same thing, though his guns were made of a different material.

His was silver, but it didn't shine. Instead, it glinted a green or orange everytime he moved too quickly.

Bernard clapped as they shot the last target in perfect unison, panting as they turned to him for approval.

"Good job boys! Great job!" He raised as he beamed. "Tell me though, where did those weapons come from?"

Both looked surprised as the looked down at their weapons, that were engraved with four names.



Bernard noted worriedly that their eyes flashed at seeing this, but sighed in relief when they both began to look confused.

"I... don't know." Vash mumbled.

Alfred shook his head. "Me neither."

"...Hm. Alright boys, go rest up. Tomorrow's the big day." Bernard said, clapping his hands together.

Both boys nodded, letting Bernard run from the room before opening the door and watching Thurston chase after him.

Vash laughed lightly, hiding his smile behind his hand.

"Yeah, he's dead." Alfred joked before the two went back to their makeshift room.


Roderich growled, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. Matt sat in front of him, frowning with his arms crossed.

"We can't beat them. Egil has his powers, and I'm almost positive Loki does too. Hell, Loki could fry you even without powers. He has that flamethrower of his." Matt stated, leaning back.

"We have to try! Stop being so subborn, you're starting to remind me of Vash." Roderich muttered.

Then, he perked up.

"That's it. The powers. If Egil and... Loki? Ugh, if they have powers, do you as well?" He asked, putting his glasses back on.

"No. However, François, Franciszek, Allen, Voss, Vogel, Oliver, and your 2p do. Wait, and Klaus. Damn, I always forget that guy." Matt mumbled the last it.

"...My... 2p?" Roderich echoed.

Matt rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.

"Oh Mannn, are you in for a treat." He grinned.


Roderich's jaw dropped, as did England and Hungary's.

In front of them was a layed back looking Austrian, with a red and black (instead of purple) cloak. His face was distorted into a huge grin, and his glasses were cracked. His red eyes checked Roderich out for a few moments, before his grin widened.

Behind him was an obviously very feminine female. She had light strawberry blonde hair, along with big pink eyes and a face covered in make up. Her dress was bright pink with a white skirt, and she looked very pleased with the crowd in front of her.

This was Ronald and Julia.

"You called~?" Ronald purred.

Roderich fought the urge to scream and run as far as possible.


Oliver scowled from behind a wall, watching Matt introduce the Austrias and Hungarys.

He sighed. He felt so bitter.

He lost Allen, and he was currently losing François. If this kept up any longer, he would lose another.

He couldn't let that happen.


Lutz strolled through the 2p mansion, tipping over vases and light tilting paintings as he went along.

What? He liked things dirty.

There was a meow and he looked down to see a very fluffy white cat, it's blue eyes seemingly able to looking into his soul.

With a gasp, he leaned down and picked up the animal.

"Kätzchen!" He beamed, taking the animal with him to his room. It was large and messy, with dark gray walls and light grey and red carpet, along with a two beds on either wall, one pure white and the other pure black. There was also a couch in the middle of the room, looking towards a T.V. that was currently playing some werid Japanese movie of some sort.

It was also dirty as hell.

Clothing and old beer cans layed every which way, along with sheets and even more dirty clothing.

The cat in his arms meowed.

With a small smile, as layed on the couch with a soft thump, petting the cat.

"I'm gonna name ya Frank." He told the feline.

"You know, I probably shouldn't hurt that little Italian. He cried when he saw Luciano, I can image what he'd do if I went through with this."

Frank put his paw on Lutz's face and meowed again.

"Yeah I know, but still..." Lutz mumbled.

"Are you talking to a cat?"

"Yes." Lutz deadpanned, looking up to see his brother standing in the hall, his long hair swaying at his waist.

"Did your hair get longer?" He scoffed.

"Yes." His brother deadpanned.


Filler chapter, and two new characters.


Also, Someone messaged me telling me they had a different version of Voss, so I went and looked through it and fell in love.



This Voss is a shady little ***** but he's adorable. So, he's always smiling and has silvery blonde hair, with blue eyes. He's a cross dresser, and and like my version, super shy.

But he's bipolar, because he switched sides so often. So sometimes he's this huge scardy cat, and other times he's confident and nice. (He also can't cook for his life)

Maybe he'll be in my next book.

Au revior~

(Also, no chapters for a while (AGAIN) because I'm going on vacation. Also school mentally drains me.)

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