A Growl

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Kuro sighed softly, staring at a sleeping Kiku. The 1p had fallen asleep at his feet while he was being bandaged, and Oliver didn't have the heart to move him.

Kuro glanced down to his bandaged chest and arms. He had been bleeding pretty heavily, but being back in his own world had slowed it down.

Also, he couldn't be sleep.

No matter what he did, he just couldn't. Images flashed in his head of himself, but from a different angle. Watching himself being beaten, and cursed at.

Bernard was terrifying when he was angry.

Slowly, his hand went to his shoulder, where a tattoo layed. Underneath his scars and bandages, was a symbol. Binding him to the 2ps.

It was only supposed to stay while he was working with Luciano. Everyone had one. Binding them to Allen, Victor, or Luciano. Sometimes, they changed to show who you were working for.

His thoughts halted.


His best friend.

His favorite rival.

His worst enemy.

Some would even go so far as calling him a... Lover?

No 2p knew what that truly meant.

But, whatever it was, it was special.

Neither of them held back in a dual. Neither stop their wars against each other. But, at the same time, they would allow the other into their home when they had no where to go. They would play games and hide from their bosses together. They were best friends.

No other 2p seemed to have that.

Because, the expectation of being the darker version, the evil side, was tempting. It was true. They were violent, and many of them were mentally instable. Because of that, they weren't allowed to have friends. Maybe a good rival could be considered, but not a friend.

That was the 2p rule.

Maybe that's why Luciano drew his weapon so quickly. Maybe that's why Allen and Lutz were so friendly towards him.

He broke the 2p rule.

But not only the first one.

He made friends with a 1p. Not just any 1p, his own 1p.

He broke the second 2p rule.

He hasn't killed anyone, and he was sure many of the others haven't either.

The third 2p rule.

Maybe that's why he wasn't welcomed.

But that left a question.

Without Victor, where did he belong?

He couldn't stay with the 2ps after he almost willingly left them all behind, and broke all of their rules.

He could never stay with the 1ps. He was so... Different. They would never except him.

But Kiku had told him about the verge, and about their friend who had gone there.

Maybe, that's where he belonged? Among dead nations? That would be nice. Someone who had an even more bloody past than he did could make a great friend.

With a sigh, he got rid of that idea. He cold leave everything behind.

Kuro once again glanced at Kiku.

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