A Apology

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I got a couple comments saying they don't have any friends...

I'll be your friend!

Note: A friend for me is someone I tolerate, and I actually genuinely like all of you great people, so you can be 'best friends'!

Arthur sighed, rubbing his face. He was sitting in the middle of Matthew and Yao on one of Alfred's couches.

Oliver was sitting solemnly with Matt and François. Elizabeta and Toris were talking lowly, sitting at their feet.

Gilbert and Lili had come in earlier to go to bed, while Roderich and Feliks had already been in their rooms.

Suddenly, both Arthur and Oliver froze up, feeling a rift. Like a line had been snapped.

Oliver started to shake, eyes wide. Arthur stared, feeling dread pool in his stomach.

"N-no..." Oliver mumbled.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Matthew began asking, worried.

"Two. That feeling... I- We-..." Oliver suddenly burst into tears, crying loudly.

"They're dead!" Oliver wailed, grabbing onto François, who was too shocked to even push him off.

"Wait what?"

Arthur turned to see Gilbert, standing shocked in the hall. His hair was messed up, and he looked tired. He had probably just woken up.

Oliver sniffled, wiping his face.

"That feeling... We lost them. Voss and Allen." He whimpered.

Arthur shook his head, but his eyes were dry.

"No. It felt diffrent. Alfred and Vash." Arthur corrected him shakily.

He felt a lump in his throat, and his eyes and nose burned, but he felt no tears.

Oliver wiped his eyes again to glare at Arthur.

"Your lying. You shouldn't have even felt it! You are a magic user, yes, but not a 2p! Don't correct me!" Oliver shouted, his eyes turning into a blue/pink swirl.

"What are you talking about?! Of course I felt it!" Arthur yelled back, before his eyes widened.

Oliver gasped as he realized what had happened.

"They... were all killed. Weren't they." He didn't ask. He already knew.

Arthur nodded.

Gilbert swallowed hard.

Lili was wrong. It was his fault.

He just killed her big brother and one of his best friends.


Kiku shivered. Ivan had dug out a trench for them to settle in, and Francis had joined him in his coat.

He had almost laughed at the vulnerable expression on Francis's face when a cold burst would make it in.

Kiku himself was freezing, because while Francis and Ivan were sharing the coat, they were also sharing body heat.

He just had his coat and light gray scraft.

Holy Rome seemed the best off out of all of them. He didn't seem bothered by the cold. Though, he didn't seem willing to leave, knowing he would probably get lost.

It was a heavy storm.

Kiku knew someone had to go out though. Francis had a lighter, so all they needed was sticks.

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