The Rainbow (II)

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Dust and smoke swivelled around them. Azriel had gotten Elain beneath his body, his wings enveloping them from the sharp debris that rained. And rained. 

And then halted.

Elain sucked in a breath. He shifted, examining her for any injuries and exhaled when he found none. His shadows reached out, sensing the presence of faeries, whispers of shock and worry and soft footsteps rushing towards them. He stepped back, shrugging debris off his wings and tucking them in.

He sensed no danger and nothing amiss. Voices around them got louder but he heard nothing.

He sent his shadows further, feeling deeper into the alley. And -

Stars above. Confusion creeped into his blood. 

A presence. A kernel of throbbing power. An Illyrian one. Yards on front of them. Moving towards them. How the hell did he not sense this beforehand?

He moved for Truth-Teller.

But, a male slowly swaggered out of the dark, dusting his shoulder.

Azriel stiffened.

"Hello Az", purred Camryn, amber eyes glinting in moonlight.


Let me know what you think!!!

And...I'm so sorry it has been sooooooooooo long since I've updated. Thank you for your patience!

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