Townhouse (After a Court of Frost and Starlight)

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He leaned back on the chair, examining his siphons. The task at hand seemed complicated - it would take weeks, maybe months. And all of it for what? The efforts would be unnecessary unless - unless...

Azriel couldn't understand Rhys's motives. 

The war just ended.  And there won't be another. Not for a long time. A very long time.

And the Night Court's relationships with the other courts are stable, on good terms. Proposing this idea to them didn't sit well with Az. They - we - are all just picking up the pieces and trying to move forward. 

He sighed, twirling a tendril of a shadow between his fingers. The lights flickered above him, and the winds of the winter storm howled through the cracks of the house. 

Rhys didn't expect an answer until the day after tomorrow, and that - he hoped -  is enough time to think about it. 

Yupp this is a short one! Thanks for the read <3 And again, I'm sorry for my lack of posting. Annndd don't forget to comment below and let me know what you think!!!

Also tell me what you think about ACOFAS! Especially that moment with Az and Elain (aka the dinner part!!!)

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