The Rainbow

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Elain looked at him, brown eyes widening.

"Or maybe another time," he added, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He was so stupid.  He clenched his fist behind his back.  "Whenever you wi-"

"No," she smiled, eyes glittering, as she turned back to look upon the streets below. "I'd love to go now"


Azriel deftly scooped Elain into his arms and swiftly soared up into the chilly night air. Leaning in, she wrapped her thin arms around him and shut her eyes. He resisted the urge to lean into her and inhale her scent - the urge to focus on her frame tightly pressed against his. His shadows whirled, and he was glad her eyes were shut to not witness it.

Trying to distract himself, he thought of the first time he had flown her and the way she had reacted then. He quietly chuckled at the memory. That was the day she had called his Siphons beautiful - the day the High Lady returned home.

He slowed down his flight as he approached the small coffee shop near the edge of the Rainbow. To his delight, none of the faeries glanced up.

Not wanting to land in the middle of the street, he flew towards the small alley tucked into the side of the shop, making sure it was empty. Running into a private moment is the last thing he wanted to do.

He landed with a soft thud in the alley and gently slid her down onto the cobblestones - ignoring the way her body slid along his. His shadows buckled and stilled. He clenched his teeth. 

He willed them to go away, but they remained. Utterly motionless. 

Something was off - strange. 

But looking at Elain, he batted the feeling away. "I'm nervous" she breathed, looking up at him, and then out into the busy street. She wiped her palms along her dress. All evidence of wonder she felt in the veranda diminished.

He thought to extend his hand, but then stopped himself, realizing she might not take it. 

"Trust me, you are going to love it" he said instead, offering a small smile. 

She wrung her hands and pursed her lips.

"No, it's not that - I feel " she paused, eyebrows furrowing. He took a step toward her, reaching his arms out, afraid she was falling ill.

"Elain, are you okay?"

As if on cue, a loud explosion ricocheted through the alley, blowing the bricks apart, enveloping them in debris. 


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