Chapter 34

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Balto's POV
I yelled as Zenix followed behind me.
"I don't know why your bothering Balto's, he ain't just gonna-"
He started before my wolf blessed ears caught onto a faint voice
"I'm not a monster,
I'm not a monster,
I'm not a monster"
It whined
I peeped over the park fence looking over a field of thorns only to notice him sat with his back against the stone, Mossy wall beneath me.
I placed a finger on my lip as i looked back at Zenix, his confused face beaming back at me.
I questioned but all he did in response was rest his hand on his forehead, his shaking increasing dramatically.
"You ok?"
I asked causing his violent shakes to disappear.
A different voice spoke back from Zane.
I was about to hop over to him before Zenix stopped me with a fearful hand.
He gave me a confused look, a questioning look and a scared look all at once through his glistening eyes.
"You warned me before so I think it's fair If i warn you"
He stated
"I knew it, you do have a heart"
I chuckled as he picked up his red skulled skateboard.
"If I sense danger I will run the other way"
He warned
We both hopped over the fence and balanced on the mossy wall, with the support of the fence of course.
High school really does pay off
Zane growled as his ears fell behind him, aiming at us, starring at us, flinching at every move we made.
"That's it I'm gone"
I heard Zenix inform me.
At first I thought he was joking but i soon changed my mind as I saw him climbing back over the fence.
"Hey get back here!"
I whispered causing him to sigh and skid back down
"Fine but if push comes to shove, I'm out of here"
He stated before I slowly climbed down into the thorns making me wince in pain
Stupid thorns!
Eventually I got to Zane and noticed him as still as a rock, not even his breathes were that visible.
It was like all his fear had somehow escaped within seconds, his breathes silent and light instead of loud and heavy.
His body still and calm instead of shaken and scared.
His attitude from Zane to a monster.
I could tell Zenix was nervous cos it's when he finally shuts up.
It's like a mute button.
A white orb starred at me in the corner of Zane's eye, watching my every move before I slowly knelt down next to him.
I didn't speak.
Instead I slowly sat down next to him, my back against the wall as I slowly inspected him
"TAke A piCTUre IT'LL last lonGer"
The same voice from before spoke, mixed with Zane's original voice.
It sounded deep and annoyed as though a completely different person.
Well sorta.
Zane spoke in a surprised voice before almost jumping out his skin.
"I'm so sorry"
He whined as Zenix jumped down next to me, resting and arm on the wall
"For what?"
He asked
"'For what!?' Your shoulder for Pete's sake"
Zane replied before dramatically pointing to it
Oh yeah...I forgot that happened
"Oh uh I actually don't remember you doing that"
Zenix stated
"...Michi does"
He mumbled looking down into his legs allowing me to notice the bones sticking out his elbows.
Hesitantly I placed an arm over his back as he didn't seem to care in the slightest before he slowly knelt his head back onto my arm.
He looked at me with his frosty blue eye as the other was hidden by his black, rough hair.
I slowly pushed it aside to revealing three long scars trailing across his grey,misty eye.
I looked back into his blue one as I dazed at me
"Are you mad at me?"
He asked
"Heh don't worry Zane, Travis told us everything when he came to uh get something out of Zenix"
I replied
"Wait what?!"
Zenix questioned as he peeped over my shoulder in confusion.
Zane rested his small head on my other shoulder, letting his ears Collapse behind him as his shivers returned
"Shouldn't you be in hospital?"
I questioned
"Yeah but... All I did was mess up"
He replied as I lifted him up onto my lap, releasing some of the thorns from his delicate skin.
He didn't try to escape my grasp instead he felt so weak I was surprised he could even run never mind hop a fence.
I slowly climbed back onto the stone wall and pushed him back over the fence only for him to plummet to the ground.
"Sorry Zane"
I apologized as me and Zenix climbed over to him.
"Balto? Who's Pete?"
Zenix asked causing me to almost fall off the fence too with laughter.
"Look it up"
I simply replied
Zane breathed lightly against the pavement but still continued to rapidly shake before I slowly lifted him up into my arms.
I wrapped his legs around my stomach, his arms around my neck and let his head rest on my shoulder.
Surprisingly his body was extremely light as i could feel his weak breathes sway into my neck.
His back, chest and sides felt some what sewn closed.
I heard a growl echo down my ear causing me to slowly tilt him forward to notice his blind eye black as the night with no pupil to be seen.
Half his face snarled as the other seemed drained of life with only his eye for colour.
Tears streamed down them as a soul came visible between us.
Black, snapped and cracked together, forced even, throbbing with anger.
Blood dripped from his mouth and down onto his stripped hoodie forever staining it with its remorse and darkness.
This made my pace speed up dramatically before suddenly a purple and black car drove up next to me.
Lucinda was sat in the drivers seat (as usual), Travis sat in the back as Laurence was sat in the passengers seat as they starred at me.
Travis swung the door open allowing me and Zenix to quickly hop in and buckle up.
Random words, in a different voices smashed through Zane's mouth
"Get away!"
"Just leave me ALONE!"
"Z watch out!"
"Oh, heh heh um let's not make any rash decision now should wAHHHHH"
He yelled, blood dripping down his mouth.
What in Irene's name is happening?!
Zane's POV
My tears soaked into my cheeks as the words escaped my mouth.
My glistening eyes beaming up at Balto, beaming at his juicy, delicate neck.
I pleadingly looked over at Travis as my teeth emerged from my mouth with a growl.
He then noticed my scared expression and leaped passed Zenix, slamming me into the car door as i viciously snapped at him
Why can't you leave us ALONE!?
A voice whined within my mind
Another replied before an agonizing scream beamed out my mouth.
The door suddenly swung open causing us to both tumble out as my body was glued to the ground by Travis.
A voice questioned before I span him around beneath me
He gasped.
Viciously i scratched at his arms as they shielded his face, taring through his clothes and staining his skin with the liquid of red.
What am I doing, STOP!?
I continued to claw at him before I was suddenly dragged off him by Laurence.
"Zane snap out of it!"
He demanded as I squirmed in the attempts to free myself, my eyes darting everywhere before he heavily placed a hand on my wounded shoulder sending my body into automatic shock.
My vision snapped into darkness, my body collapsing to the dark floor and staying there.
Unable to move.
Unable to speak.
Unable to breathe.
Although my chest ached for oxygen my heart continued to beat its deadly rhythm of Hate,  determined to keep me alive, determined to stretch my life on and on.
No matter how many times I begged for it to quit.
Where am i?
Gasping, I tilted my head around slightly in the attempts to trigger a memory.
Any memory to inform me of my location.
My eyes suddenly lay upon a small child standing far away in the distance.
Their head tilted to the ground, the hair shielding their face as they gave off nothing but a grey and dull atmosphere.
Several minutes passed as they stayed completely still, frozen in time.
I managed to slowly stretch my arms out to notice no claws, tail or ears attached to my body.
Stumbling to my feet they swayed back and forth as though I was stuck on a ship at sea, with no hope of stopping.
Clutching my shoulder I made my way to the child, my pace creeping to a Holt as I was about five feet away from them now.
I could tell by the style of his rough hair, body structure and plain common sense it was a young boy who stood their.
He stayed silent.
Gulping, I loosened my mask sprung around my neck and slowly began to turn away, abandoning my attempts to even ask him.
I heard a voice chuckle causing me to look back at him.
He hadn't moved a muscle.
Hesitantly I turned back around only to see him stood there starring up at me with his black eyes
"Funny isn't it when your forgotten?"
He stated
"Forgotten so much not even yourself or your brothers can tell me apart from a human or a monster"
He continued as I noticed his striped clothing, identical to mine and a deep scratch trailing across his cheek.
"'I'll be fine' I said
'Zane needs you' I said
'Don't worry' I said
You wanna know what I say now?"
He growled as i stepped backwards slightly
He yelled
He whined as he slammed me to the ground, griping my hoodie and shaking it violently.
Whining I looked up at him, his pail face and angry,white orbs paralyzed my thoughts of movement altogether.
He seemed to notice my fear of which his face changed dramatically from anger to concern within seconds allowing his eyes to return to a normal icy blue.
"Zane?! I'm so,so,so sorry"
He spoke as he quickly leaped off me allowing me to slowly sit up only to regret the decision greatly.
There slouched behind him was an extremely, tall, dark figure with a similar skull from before placed tight on its head and glaring at me.
His red eyes interested me.
I tried to speak but found no oxygen to use as it treaded closer and closer towards us.
"Uh Zane?"
The boy questioned as I wiped at my eyes but every time I did it skipped forward closer.
Frantically i pointed towards it causing the young boy to notice him too
He questioned but all he got in response was nothing.

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